
What is the point of updating a place where literally nobody goes? What about Azeroth minus Northrend? Nobody goes to those zones, y not update those too? Why not Silvermoon.. Can’t imagine why WoD had such little content.

What vexxes me is the alcoholic energy drinks.. It’s a depressant and a stimulant. The body be like: “WTF MAN!?!?”

Are they using RPG Maker VX Ace?

LOL! We wondered how long it would take.. although our fearless leader calls them ISIL (a term that denies Israel exists). They also still have the CFC, who is so desperately trying to change their image to The Imperium (GW should sue the dickwad space lawyer). The CFC they shall always be known.

Congrats to the runners’ up.. Peter Johnson, Harry Dick and Hugh Jass.

It’s the Lord’s way.

Tim Tebow has a winning record. He single handedly dragged his team into the playoffs, WHERE HE WON, literally by himself. But, alas, he is run out of the league because of his morality and honor. Yet Michael Sam was celebrated for WEEKS even after being cut numerous times because he sucked (haha) at football,

Too few jobs. Too many people. The reconciliation is here. I had a lot of help from my parents as well... only to find that it was all for not. 35, white American male with a bachelor’s (no, not liberal arts) and work experience... and I’m the most unwanted demographic in the economy. They will hire clueless idiots

I won 7 games today where I had a negative k/d. One was 0-4 and a few others were 1-5ish... The point of the game is to destory the structures... And I did. typically with more XP contribution than the rest of the team combined. Kids need to learn how to play the game. Same goes for LoL. You don’t win anything by

I’ve owned 2 Deathadders.. Each quit functioning after 3 months. Know how many Deathadders I’ll ever own again? Z E R O.

I’ve owned 2 Deathadders.. Each quit functioning after 3 months. Know how many Deathadders I’ll ever own again? Z E

I just sold my main char, my first ever after 6 yrs. The dude dropped $730 to buy enough PLEX to purchase my character in-game... sniff.. so long... but Now I am about to make waves with my billions. :)

“Now they come up with this?!?”

Wait... Deadspin, Gawker and Kotaku writers know what the AP Stylebook is?

HIV no.. Herpes, chlamydia, hepatitis B, C and D... yes.

I’d like to triple-tap that...

Muting does not prevent trolling or pinging. Trust me, I use them much more effectively than chat if someone pisses me off and/or disrespects me.

Lol. Hilarious. Let’s make sure the 94% majority are subject to the 6% demands.

“I wasn’t considering the consequences when I chose to support the players.”


“That’s pretty useful if you haven’t unlocked Draenor flying yet.”