
Why do I have the option to Install on my launcher? I have no interest in paying for this trash. I may have tried it when it was to be free-to-play but I’m not touching it so get it off my launcher.

Wow, a still over-priced WiiU from Nintendo... I’m shocked!

You don’t think there will be items to buy? It’s called fleecing idiots like you who are clueless. It will have all the same elements as every FTP but you just have to buy your way into it for the opportunity to buy more crap... but Blizzard likes pay-to-win, ala Hearthstone and HOTS.

When it was FTP, I was mildly interested.. Now, nope. GLHF o/

It’s really sad how many morons don’t realize that they spent $60 on a mod of Skyrim. It’s literally the same game, just new skin. GLHF playing the same game again.

Nice. Same game, same missions, different race.. Same gameplay. Build a billion workers, harvest, build a barracks, blitz... game over in under 7 min. YAAAWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shakespeare was a fraud. He took credit for another’s work. His background did not lend to his work. Also, Einstein is much the same. Yes, he was good at math, but he also worked many years in the PATENT office, with access to the most cutting edge ideas and knowledge in the world at the time. Much of his work, too,

I’ll never own a VW simply because it is a literal spawn of Adolf Hitler himself, ffs, the fkn logo is a slightly modified swastika. It represents pure evil.

We need better elbow control...

If AdBlocker doesn’t effect your wallet and won’t remove you from the internet, please PDP, tell us what will get you off of it.

... because spending $200 Billion on the last bombers they built which have seen less than 100 sorties was just SUCH a great investment..

This game is terrible. it gives the impression that you can fly in all directions but in reality you are on the same plane all the time and you can only yaw your ship... and the really sad part is that it doesn’t even do a banking maneuver.

He gave them credit at the end, that is all that is necessary. Paraphrasing, or removing information that isn’t specifically relevant is not illegal in journalism... The fact that you guys made a story out of this is the questionable journalism here.

Sad thing is that the shattered image still blended well with the background design...

Wait... putting up $$$ against a group of others, with the odds that you will lose all of it 85% of the time, and break even or slightly above 14.9999% of the time with the hopes of winning life-changing $$$ 0.0001% of the time is gambling???

We need a scam alert for Kickstarter. Can you say ‘Star Citizen’? “B..b...but all of the modules they have released...” lol. Stupid fanboyz. The infrastructure alone for everything they have promised would double the amount raised on Kickstarter. The game will be 2 TB at this point and it is well known to be TERRIBLY

If they added a Kerbal Space Program-like side to the game they could sell this at $100 and it would be a top seller on Steam. Squad may have been just made obsolete with their terrible optimization, unstable builds and slow progress on fixing glaring bugs.

And thus Blizzard’s cheap and obvious bow to hispanics...

Where is the “AFK cloak like a dick” button? or the “Collect rent like the ultimate carebear while simultaneously accusing others of carebearing” button?

Wow. another FPS... that I’m sure will underwhelm just as every other Star Wars attempt at anything PC has done. 3 years since I spent a dime on a game other than my 4 usuals... 3 of which are free to play. As long as they keep churning out the same old shit, I will keep playing my same old shit.