
Gambling sites (this is all they are, plain and simple) investigated for fraud. Shocked... shocked......

Yet still jew OP.

How about nerfing Zeratul ffs?!?

Who is Bill Simmons??

When is he going to plead guilty for co-designing the latest god-awful Tampa Bay Bucs logo and Disney-esque uniforms? Talk about destroying a mean-ass aura. He did to the Bucs look what ‘Twilight’ did to vampires.. made them teenage emo metrosexuals who sparkle in the light.

“Looks Great”? “This is so good”?

I hate this tool. I hope he dies a horrible, violent, sustained death.

It’s not “GOLD”. It’s “you should see a doctor because your piss is thick, bloody and stinks” yellow.

Oh, trust me, I have a great time. I don’t do it because I suck at LoL. I do it because of the loser trolls who “are just here for fun”, that drag us unfortunate to be stuck with them through the jew lottery that is LoL, down.

God I wish I had your job. Publish irrelevant junk consistently and get paid for it... except I would be better at it.

Hi friends. Thanks for everyone who contributed to the replies. I don’t think I could have, in one true swing, infected more LoL players at once. Your bile-filled comments have given credence to my quest. My heart is full with all of the seeds of hate within all of you that are just beginning to sprout.

He’s squishier than shit.

The “I Understand” bar... it’s a completely blatant dick move.

Crony capitalism at it’s finest.

It’s sad that SCII is all about who can click out more harvesters faster just to bumrush a handful of low-level troops and win before the 10 min mark.

Pumpkin guy must have been listening to Brian Regan.

A simple petition of reasonable demands:

ED’s first mistake. $60. They clearly fk’d the launch up with such a stupid high price for not having any physical product (where console games can somewhat justify that dickwad greedy jew price). Dropping to $44.99 on Steam is evidence that someone shouldn’t have a job anymore on the ED dev team.

When all of the ‘toxic’ players are gone, their money will be too. And LoL will literally hit a wall that will put them out of business... I was banned as well for language (the game has 2 (TWO) TWO!!!!!!!! fkn layers of censoring, mute and chat filter...). I had spent $450 on my account up to that point, with no end

Non-white population in the US is 16.5% (+/- 1-3%) depending on your EXACT definition of racial groups... So this is a non-issue. Should black people take precidence over others simply because there are less of them? Oh yeah, Affirmative Action... that’s justice.