
“one of Japan’s top graphic artists”

Because I’m sure that Hillary and “it-might-rain-grandma-levis” Barry Soetoro are just all over the Minecraft forums and are stoked for the next Destiny expansion....

There’s got to be a Rubio-on-rails joke here somewhere...

... and this is one of 537 people who control the fate of the world. God help us.

Internet tears are often much more entertaining than winning.

I have never seen an industry work so hard and spend so much development time in PREVENTING players/paying customers from their business. If players can’t handle language the answer is simple.

+1 Owned.

The most beautiful $30,000 ever captured in a single image...

Why are we in the Middle-East for oil? We should be invading the UK, for they have the most expensive liquid on earth, that which fills the molds of WH40K and Warhammer miniatures.

3D printing my friend... 3D printing.

at that point the game is pretty much already decided...

what is this Hearthstone chat u speak of?

Omg... I have conceded so many matches to the ridiculous amount of time. I’d probably be ranked #1 in the world (sarc... kinda) if turns were 20-30 sec long.. Yes, it can be taken advantage of to get into your opponent’s head and mess with them but typically it’s from a lack of intelligence on your opponent’s part. I

Guys, don’t show any emotion in an uber-competetive environment... I feel sorry for anyone who does not show emotion in this context. What a sad, sad life they must lead. I wouldn’t want any of these loser, whiny goodie-goodies on my team anyway. They clearly have ZERO competetive spirit and only are where they are

Riot doesn’t want my money. OK. I’ll give it to other games.

Rest assured, you have not been missed.

especially when they have T W O layers of censorship. 1) Censor 2) Mute.

What will you do when your queues are 30 min long? The game will die, because more people will quit.. 45 min queues... then more quit.... 1 hr long queues for a single ARAM that lasts 20 min. Well done whiny bitches. You cried because your eyes were poisoned with words. Grow up and A) Censor your chat or B) MUTE. Grow

Suspending anyone for language in a game with 2 (two) T W O!!!!!!!!!! layers of censoring chat is almost as asenine as the business model of keeping paying customers away from your business on purpose.

Butcher is still stupid retarded OP. I will not play until he is nerfed to hell.