
And 1 big storm takes them back to zero.. actually back to negative with all the clean up they will have to do before even rebuilding.

Too bad. He almost finished off Nintendo too.. But that’s what Reggie is for.

Never been interested in playing an old guy with grey hair whose most memorable move is hiding under a box and moving.

Nintendo fanbois are 2nd only to Apple fanbois in their foolish zealotry that has denied them enjoyment in life. These 2 groups obsessions are sad and pathetic. Why don’t we talk about how Nintendo has gone from gaming giant to near complete extinction in the last 5 years? What a great success story.

This is going to be such a flop.. Surprise, the Horde wins and the Alliance is bad. I’m shocked. How are they going to use timewarp bullshit now after setting the world in stone with the ‘film’.

lol @ the Skarner one. lol.

“Blizzard isn’t keen on making people re-earn something they already earned”

SCII just isn’t fun. It’s all about blitzing your opponent as fast as you can while OCD-like spawning harvesters and basic units. Games are over before 5 min in. It’s just stupid.

And tell any meathead DK player that DKs are super OP and should be nerfed 50%+ and they will cry and say ‘WAAAHHHH!!! DKs are so underpowered. WWAAAAHHHHHH!!!!’

Just like the Guitar Hero / Rock Band idiocy, this fleecing scam too will come to a quick end, burning itself out for Skylanders, Disney Infinity and Amiibo.

Is it just me or does the image Kotaku used at the top have absolutely nothing to do with League of Legends??

Forget prison, these tools deserve the death penalty.

Ya, well Minecraft looks a hell of a lot like Q-bert. So this is the pot calling the kettle black.

Ya, and just like I told all the hardcore Harry Potter fans that there is too much money to be made to not have more evn though they knew she was done and retired (JK Rowling writing more books in the universe and also a play now)... This is the same. Too much money to be harvested from the Star Craft franchise. This

If you can’t afford a game that goes on sale for $10 once a month then you probably don’t have a PC that can run the game.

A MOBA’s success proves nothing about an RTS. MOBAs are open-ended. There is no beginning or end. RTSes are linear and will end. There is no room for another Warcraft RTS. They would have to use even more ridiculous and illogical time-warp-gobbledy-goop BS just to get a story to work. They already made the Warcraft

Everyone has to play by the rule of law... unless you have more money, then you are entitled to fuck anyone and everyone over, laws be damned.

An FPS in a flight-sim... lolz. Why not just thrown in an RTS mode and a MOBA.. Hell, I want a Star Citizen pay-to-win card game ala Hearthstone.

You are a blind fool. Can I have $300? I promise I will give you something before the year 2025.

An FPS mode in a flight sim... omfg. Why not throw in an RTS and a MOBA mode while you’re at it. LOL!!!!!!!!!!