This reminds me:
Butcher is an OP dick for losers who are bad at HOTS. It’s not even fun to play a game with him in it.
Come on Kotaku. You are all about equality and eliminating gender, gender roles and sexual orientation. Why should this even be an issue? Oh, what’s that? You want to have it both ways??
This is clearly the latest MOBA fleecing tactic.
The DOTA Donkey.. this sub-metagame is the reason I have given up both times I have tried to get into DOTA 2.
Each game has it’s pluses and negatives.
You could get a smartphone for less than a 3Ds that would run something 10x better looking than this ‘90s Doom pre-alpha looking POS.
This will be fun for all 12 people who own a WiiU.
“Steam finally has a good dinosaur game...”
I hope you don’t really get paid for what you do. I hope you are that special needs employee who is allowed to post to feel better about life in general and forget your real problems...
Don’t forget the part where the developer gives Kotaku $$$ to “review” a game with honesty and journalistic (*snicker*... im sorry.. ) integrity. Also, devs doing bloggers... : /
Because... crap.
What they need is a “Not a complete fkn retard” mode.
The only reason I got the other exploration achievements WAS BECAUSE OF FLYING. Otherwise I never would have fkn bothered with that BS.
The perfect solution to Blizzard’s biggest, subscription losing, incompetent mistake is to make people take the grindy as hell mechanics and multiply it by 10?
Urgot is a troll pick because he’s ugly, nobody plays him and his ult is fkn swapping places with the enemy.. OOOOHHH NNNOOOOOO!!! Scary.
So much hype for such a failed idea. 3D and VR are like communism. Every time it is tried it fails... E V E R Y T I M E.
Why is Heimer wierd? He’s unbeatable if you know wtf you are doing. They claim that he has major counters but I’ve yet to experience one.. Syndra? I’ve wrapt her every time I’ve seen her. If I could mid Heimer every round I’d be the captain of the next LoL WC team in a month.