
Every cent is pure profit. This is DIGITAL content, it is not a ‘product’ in the physical sense. Why they charge the same as if they were producing packaging and discs and shipping should have been a red flag a decade ago.

Warlords of Draenor was WoW’s best received expansion in a while...”

Dat chain.. Dat haircut.. Dat tool...

So this is the project that pulled all of the depth and content talent away from Warlords of Draenor.. to work on a portrait.

So this is the project all of the good World of Warcraft talent has been working on. IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW! Sacrificing depth and content in Draenor for a portrait.

The game is based on whales winning. It is pay to win. When you can win a game before you have 4 mana crystals something is broken.

...and people will pay it, because... stupid people.

Blizzard screwed up from the start. Being forced to be the same boring lore characters is lame. They should have allowed custom creation for each class to individualize the player.

Professions have been completely irrelevant since MoP. What’s amazing is how Blizzard somehow divided by zero and made then even MORE irrelevant in WoD. Well done Blizzard, well done.

This guy has TOOL written all over him.

“Toxic at times”

Too many storylines and characters weaving in and out to NOT do this. Otherwise the reader base is already set in stone and will die off with age to the point of oblivion.

‘Splatoon’ is a gender biased game. I demand male characters. This is reverse #GamerGate. This developer should be shut down because of their blatant lack of diversity....

LOL! Vindication. Pure and simple vindication.

RL $$ refunds and in-game subscription time for each and every flying mount per account.

5-8 million is projected by the end of the year if they don’t bring back flying, especially after announcing that they are killing it altogether.

*remaining* customers.

Yes, and the game was fun and enjoyable.. remember some have 10 toons on an account so no matter what, flying or no flying, it takes 10x the time.

You got MoP for free? Do tell...

LoL Teambuilder queues are worse than WoW Heroic Dungeon/LFR queues.