
I swear I've heard this story before.

Oh come ON. Everyone reads VICE magazine. It's FREE!

I WANT an ceocodile purse covered in alligator bites. That would rule. Also, that's a very pretty blue.

It's cause she looks like your mom, or your hot aunt, or something, right?

Damn, I wish he was. God bless you Kevin Smith

A sham gay marriage you say? on 2 1/2 Men?

I am this cynical. I often want to curl up in a ball or slit my wrists. Then I just figure, Well, I'm here now. Let's see what happens next.

Who is this model? I want to know!

The makeup she is wearing is the makeup I draw on myself every morning, when I'm sober.

I saw the show. I loved her, she was hilarious. She was happy to represent and had a great time on the show. The other girls never for a second believed she would actually win. Boy, were they surprised!

Perhaps he's implying that the most horrifying thing about this sign is that it depicts FAT people.

Shadow Weddings look like a big fat HOAX to me. Whether they are real or not.


One of the cruel tricks of bipolar disorder is that you believe you are "smarter" than the disease. Maybe you are, but let's keep taking the meds anyway, okay? Just for shits and giggles.

The house is still there, 50 years later.

Actual conversation I had this very day:

I mean historically,also, houses have been torched. It is a very young country, so they are not very old houses.

There is a tradition here of the neighbours torching murder houses. I don't know why our old house escaped this.

Probably not. I don't think he ever told my mother. He admitted it to my brother and I when we were in our 20's.