
That is so grievous I kind of like it.

Soooo many reasons why it didn't work out with Ken...

My exact response. And she looks hot!

I come from a country where public schools do not provide children with hot meals. Many children go to school hungry and remain hungry all day. 1 in 5 school age children live in poverty here. The entitled people who think food fights are funny need to learn the value of food.

Perhaps Haribo sugar-free gummy bears are her secret cleansing weapon.

Protesting Instagram. Is that a thing? There are wars going on, women being stoned to death by their families, misogynist shooters doing city-wide drive-bys etc. and someone wants to protest Instagram's no-titties policy?

For as long as I have known the word "tranny" it has exclusively meant transvestites.

Clueless Commenter harps, IT'S JUST FOOD.

Food fights are wrong because they are wasteful. Throwing food is an evil thing.

Like these kids have ever heard of Jim Belushi.

Don't do that. Just, please, oh god DON'T do that

All his movies are like that.

At least he has a nose. The box doesn't have a nose. Without a nose you can't smell your food. uh.... wait a second

Gifts should not be expected in any situation, even your birthday. (Especially your birthday, as you get older.) If anyone gives you a gift of any kind, thank them and enjoy it. If they give you an expensive gift, thank them and also write them a thank you note.

Please STOP glorifying this guy. HE IS A NOTHING.

I love True Facts. My favourite until now was True Facts About the Snail, but this is like a Rudyard Kipling Just So Story. It's awesome.

Isn't there someone you are friends with that you can emotionally cheat against him with? - i.e., be friends with?

Why are there so many trolls about? Is it school holidays in the Northern Hemisphere?

Is this the right room for an argument?