
One of my best friends is a teacher, my cousin is a teacher, and they're friends are all teachers.

but there is a lot of comments that are taking this article as 'proof' that a sensitivity to these foods is made up.

Yes it is. I've been on the FODMAP diet and it cleared my gutache up right nice.

My sophomore English teacher once told my entire class that she wishes she could line us up against the windows in the classroom and shoot us all to death.

God bless you, Carrie.

I don't know whether to agree with your post or be horrified.

I'm really sorry you had to go through that.

I used to ride to school on a dinosaur (back in the days when even tiny children were strapped to discipline them) and I NEVER saw a teacher pull shit like this on a kid. This is horrible.

OMG I love this.

This is my favorite picture of Juliette Binoche and if you have seen the film The Unbearable Lightness Of Being you will know why. PS - PICTURES.

The best way to do it is through humor. You might try drawing a cartoon, or making a skit, doing or writing something that is funny. Humor really resonates with people. Sometimes a joke in a cartoon can keep being referred to for decades.

You are obviously confused and frightened. Please sit down, drink something soothing, and read this.

It looks like a Kiera Knightly pop-together LEGO toy.

He's going to ruin the lining wearing it that way.

Gorgeous, yum. Thank you Taryn!

but they eat valuable parts of the pray, left there especially for them. No.

I'm sorry, I can't take her seriously with that boingy-boingy high school ponytail.

Every ice cream truck I ever saw plays Greensleeves, which was written by Henry VIII.

Fuckin eh! I love Barney Miller.

Meteorologists take an oath ? I did not know that. That is wicked cool. I wish more people had to take oaths to do their job.