I ended up marrying a guy I just wanted to fuck. Lucky for me he's a sweetheart.
I ended up marrying a guy I just wanted to fuck. Lucky for me he's a sweetheart.
12 years and counting.
Any man who says "suck my dick" or similar to any woman makes me want to do this.
I'm really glad I lost 40 pounds because it put a lot less stress on my knee joints.
I think of the proposal as an IRA proposal. I told him he had 15 minutes to think about whether he wanted to be a permanent part of my life, or I'd break up with him.
Thank God somebody finally said "That's the Boy Scout sign!"
Er.... you have been living in a dystopia. Since long before the black man.
I think the one-off multiple Barbie smiles and "mounds" pieces are just genius.
Anyone who asks,"What's that supposed to be?" - Fuck you. You live in a world of supposed to be rather than reality and you don't want any truck with me.
She's mine. Why? Because she was really pissed off at having to do this schtick and it was obvious in her delivery. Good for you, Jennifer.
I want the angry clown job selling silly string scented Comic Sans door-to-door!
Except it wasn't a knife, it was his dick.
I'm pretty sure food riots will be happening regularly before 2020.
I live in a country where cooked school lunches are NOT provided and I have to say, this looks fine - except the left one. I would eat both of those other lunches RIGHT NOW - in fact they are making me hungry.
mmm. Keep talking baby....
The photograph supplied with this article has made me realize that Miley Cyrus is in fact Kylie Minogue 2.0
You're doing it wrong, hon. You should be unable to see the plate for the food on it.
God bless you. Thank you for serving.... yourself some delicious turkey, eventually!
Thank you for posting this! You've kind of made my day.