I Design Your Eyes

JP is great.

Definitely naming my future child Vivan Lord.

My ears cried.

"How is Spock gonna beat Kirk, yo? Spock's like a toothbrush! Look at Kirk! He's got room to spare!"

oh my yes, your point re: Arrival vs H8 is so bang on [I do still love the Morricone scores obvs cos well Morricone innit] but the JJ score for Arrival not being nommed cos of the Max Richter track top & tailing the film was nonsense [that's why right? I might be wrong here]. The arrival score is brilliant. But I

I can't believe this sentence actually made me a little sad as I sat here thinking 'damn it's been too long since I've been nom-nommed by a vagina' and then thought hey! you could go one further and say 'nom-nommed by a vajayjay' - of which I'm now going to use all the time to refer to my invisible sex life, many

I thought it might be Neuromancer but thought hmm they'd mention that in the headline surely!

McGregor kept slipping back to a british accent on certain words and it was glaring, fucker can't act for toffee. I'm gutted he's in Fargo and given dual roles. I fear he'll be the reason the season gives me blue balls of the heart.

I don't get it.

got halfway down the comments before the penny dropped, kudos for the gag inception [or I'm just a bit slow]

upvote for your avatar.
this is all.


I really liked this story!

Like the sad times recording of Mitch Hedberg onstage, off his face on the droogs, with the audience all shouting his best non-sequiturs at him while he whisper pleads for people to give him pills etc

That's a great epitaph too

He only lasted tew wheeks

That will be incredible.

why would you spoil the visual gag in the review?

what were 00002 and 00001?