I Design Your Eyes

someone has made a fan edit of the first trailer

"man called Juan throws a pan" plan

I tried but my penis got caught on his rollator and he got away, slowly.

"Duck my shtick"

Comely Mother Stenographer?

oh wow I had no idea that was the case, and you're right it's a shame re: Arrival cos it's all Jóhann Jóhannsson apart from the [lovely] Max Richter piece [that actually bookended the film no?] - the original score is awesome and deserves the love.

and she says something like "you must introduce us" when they turn up in the sporty car, ooh, dark quippage.

Twenty numbers

cool! thanks!


Well I finally got to watch Kubo last night and if this isn't one of the most glorious, beautiful, uplifting, magical, affecting, exciting, funny, emotional and impressive films of the year then I'm at a loss.

That record, ooph fuck yes.

Four books and a Star Wars tie I've wanted for a while.


"…'receive the package' he often whispered into the hair of unsuspecting members of the public when passing by in the subway or queueing at the cheese counter, for cheese"

Get ready for a soufflé!

I read all your posts in Scruffy's voice, and it makes me happy.

what are 'neplings'?

Nonagon Infinity is the best best best 45 minutes your ears will have this year, until you re-flip the record and start the whole wondrous thing again.

kin hell, I know I've seen the remake, altho having then gone straight to Rekall and getting the premium package I'm not sure if dissisa dreem I nevur wantoo waike up