I Design Your Eyes

hahahaha that super brakes clip is amazing. I also love the fact that someone went to the effort of adding funny titles and funny apt music cue etc

I love the Penny Dreadfuls!

haha, you actually edited your comment from earlier to try and make it more offensive. class.

Cool! Yeah the Furries are awesome, lovely chaps too. They're playing live in Cardiff on the 17th, pop over!
Gallai siarad cymraeg i ti unrhywbryd dood, dim problem.
Aber is indeed delightful, but the south west coastline and the mountains in the north are the prize.
You'll have a blast wherever you go betwixt

King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - Nonagon Infinity

I turned 40 last week and after 14 months of actively going to the gym and running and generally doing something sport laden every day I finally don't hate what I see in the mirror when naked. Bonkers. Body dismorphia is evil. Loving oneself [fnarr] shouldn't take so long!

You should pop in to Wales.

Every Iain M. Banks chronologically, again.

It was the shits.


If anyone is going to watch the finale again, take note of the continuous music. It's over fucking everything. This is done, I reckon, to enhance the denouement. Priming the pump for an epic conclusion when maybe, juuuust maybe, it's not really that epic.

but…but…I gave you my last upvote :(

I wonder, to sate curiosity alone of course, what the retimed version would be called if one wanted to search for it for research purposes?

that's brilliant because where's the 'french' in that version? oh how the 80's didn't care.


Every time I meet someone called Tony I get very happy knowing that when I will be thanking them at some point in the future I will be doing it in the style of Quaid as he enters the secret escapee hole-in-the-wall in The Last Resort

Back to the Future
- Biff, when covered in manure, "I'm gonna get that stinkin punk" instead of SOB

I was thinking the same thing haha [altho I was 14]

Oh em gee, NEED.

That Bitches Leave story is amazing.