I Design Your Eyes

well he likes to hunt and shoot animals and he says that the 'kill' makes him feel closer to god so um…yeah, he's got idiot covered from all angles.

Avatar comment synergy joy!

Upvoted for 'pleasure centres' which is now my new band name thank you.

hehe no I was lazily insinuating that the guy presenting the video looks a bit like Ron Pearlman but hey…

Interviewer - "Can you make sense of any of that for me—how Trump was elected?"

He did this instead of getting on with Hellboy 3?!?!?

ah brilliant thank you sir

"Liverpool, mye deeyar! Five 'oonjred meyeles north of Loondon!" - no no no, this reads more like Geordie [North East England]

you, intrigue me*


pps. "The Affair unwisely kicks off season 3"

still with me?

ps. there were mahoosive gaps betwixt the aforetyped words.

Oh, seems Discus doesn't allow large

Episode 2 SPOILER:

haha upvote for 'Colonel Exposition'

The Affair vs AVC Comments was the only reason I stuck with the second season. And also the reason I enjoyed it I think. If you told me the The Affair had been devised specifically for the AVC comment section I'd believe you whilst giving you an elbow-staring, perfect high five.

*jots info down into notebook, self-assuredly

"now do I buy one three hundred dollar hooker bot or three hundred one dollar hooker bots?"