I Design Your Eyes

"slap happy lappies!"

with musical score by Handsome Boy Modelling School

Upvote for TriPod [shamefully I've used it for seedy lols myself but] now it must be attribed only to people named Podrick, so much is obvs.

"Insertion complete"

I'm always surprised folk don't savour the chance to turn the little flow interrupters off for say, two hours? It's part of the magic of going to the flicks - sit down, shut up, get immersed, come out having either learned something or smiling from laughing. Seems bizarre to only half commit to the experience [by

For what it's worth [having also read and been buoyed by the openness of many commenters] I read your missive as I believe you intended at the outset, using reference to give perspective to the person you were addressing.

oh my have you not seen 'enemy' yet?

As a fan of Ben Wheatley's previous movies I was disappointed by Free Fire and can only think that his oeuvre and reputation garnered him the few positive reviews he received for the boring, unnecessary, unfunny, unoriginal slugfest.

that threw me too!

username/comment synergy orgasm

"nah I don't look good in a leotard…"

as much as I enjoyed and agreed with them, I'd be lying if I told you the upvote was for any of the other words preceding 'winsome'.

Only at the end of this season did I realise that my personal praise for S1 + S2 was that I never felt whilst watching them that I'd prefer to be actually watching a Coen Bros movie. This episode made me want to watch a CB movie because the hallowed Coens don't look up at you with raised eyebrow whilst thumbing a

loved this analysis, incl it's length, which was neither way too long or overwritten, unlike this comment you're currently reading, which is fervently both.

Varga's broken pronunciation of 'Pourquoi' ['why' in french] so that it flowed as 'Pork…wha' directly after he mentions a piggy bank was either on porpoise [sorry] by the writers or an inspired interpretation of the script by Thewlis [who I think is fucking brilliant and am hella surprised some peeps here aren't

cockles… warmed :)

It's a nice idea, but I'm pretty sure they show the little 'I'm diligently recording' red LED on the camera go out just before DJ Blurry Malnoury comes in.

Lovely, Very Pleasant.

as it got further away [admittedly seemingly out of range of the snipers] they turned another light on! hey! we're over here!
