I do like them apples!
I do like them apples!
He tries to hide it in his face vagina.
Legally Bland
I think it was when he realized that he couldn’t mount a credible campaign against Bush in 2004, and by 2008, it was too late to try to parlay his “America’s Mayor”schtick into the Presidency. He’s been a bitter old crab ever since.
Is losing?
I would tell him to relax and take a stress pill.
The last thing we need is to all be breathing second-hand Trump
What scares me is that he is poisoning the well of yet another presidency. Wouldn’t it be nice to have one side lose yet say, “ I don’t agree with him or her, don’t even like her, but she won fair and square.”
My work had dealings with Trump in the early 2000's and I dug as deep into any files I could access for dirt knowing that I would be fired if caught. Nothing I found wasn’t already public, but if I’d found something incriminating I would happy lose my job if that is what it took to stop him.
Burning seems harsh. Can’t we first just toss him in a lake and see if he floats?
Toss up between Hank Scorpio (Albert Brooks) and Mr. Bergstrom (Dustin Hoffman) for the greatest one-off Simpsons character ever.
Carrie Fisher would know. The story is that during filming of Blues Brothers John Belushi and Dan Ackroyd had to tell her she was doing too much coke.
A tell that obvious would explain how his casino business tanked!
You know, with 2016 being what it’s been, I really wouldn’t be shocked if Debate 3: Debate with a Vengeance ends with Hillary salting Donald while the moderater drinks wine from a can.
It’s definitely a tell. I once had a landlord who sniffed whenever he was being dishonest. Like when my roommate and I figured out he had plugged his fridge into an outlet that was on our meter.
Let me guess, this was in Florida?