
I call bullshit.

So he’s gonna get creamed at this next town hall debate, right?

I don’t even think it was about money or intellectual laziness, the way many claim. I think the Republicans just saw that Democrats were for it, so they felt compelled to be against it.

Christ. Even fucking natural disasters are a liberal conspiracy now.

I think he’s just upset that there’s a Matthew in Florida who blows worse than he does.

Somehow I have never seen “BENGHARGLE” and it is the greatest play on that word ever and thank you for introducing it to me.

See I don’t think he would. They don’t love him in spite of him being awful. They love him because of it. A big part of dumb people’s lives is being concerned with whether other people think they are better than you. Trump doesn’t make people think he’s better than them.

I rest my case....

god. Drew is such a fucking dork.

Who’s got two thumbs and an emergent self-awareness?

If you run into an asshole in the morning, then you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day then you’re the asshole.

A presidential candidate just suggested that the American public should watch a sex tape.

The funniest part is, deep down, you KNOW there’s gotta be a Donald Trump sex tape somewhere.

From a Vox article (about the Iraq war, but pertains to pretty much everything Trump says):

Is Tebow really as hateable as he’s made out to be? I wonder if it’s really Skip Bayless’s fault and Tebow catches the reflected hate.

2025: Three term President Trump congratulates retiring New New York Met Tim Tebow on his fifth consecutive World Series MVP award by nominating him to the Supreme Court just in time to provide an insurance vote against a suit to close the migrant detention centers located in former National Parks that were returned

Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base

No. It was Ralph Nader supporters and their “There is no difference between Bush and Gore!!” whining that pushed the election to Bush.

It’s freaking me out that Al Gore, in that video, was younger than I am now. I’ve done nothing with my life.

I think it would only be fair to give Clinton unlimited powers of persecution in this investigation, only what to call it?