I knew it wouldn’t take long for the electric toothbrush shills to show up. Why not just link directly to your products? Don’t you get a commission?
I knew it wouldn’t take long for the electric toothbrush shills to show up. Why not just link directly to your products? Don’t you get a commission?
I always want to say this to the hygienist:
There is no clearer example of riding one’s husbands coattails than Hillary Clinton claiming to be co-president because her husband was elected to the office. I mean, what do you think the expression means if that is not an example of it?
She lost the nomination in 08 to a black man.
EXACTLY. I think people need to be talking about this a lot more. Hilary was a failure as Sec of State. Things have been better under Kerry, but Hilary was a complete disaster. In retrospect, I think Obama really was in over his head- I don’t think he knew what to do in the middle east and then took her advice too…
Everyone keeps bringing Warren up as a better option, but she was a miserable campaigner during her senate race. She was extremely well-financed and was virtually tied with Scott Brown for a long time leading up to the election. She was very popular before she was the Dem nominee in that race and has been popular as a…
Warren, btw, did do that rather stupid thing about claiming to be Cherokee though. I can forgive her for it (more naive than malicious and a long time ago) but I do wonder how that would play on 24/7 cable news if she’d run. Also, the fact that she didn’t, makes me think there might be some reason- like maybe there is…
I agree entirely. I do think Hilary hate is steeped in sexism and it’s totally disproportionate to anything she’s actually done to deserve it. But just as a feminist, it bothers me that the first female president is going to be also a former first lady. I mean, there are millions of people in this country. Surely we…
No but it does affect the way you present a public persona. At some point in her long career, she and her handlers decided the most strategic thing would be for her to present herself as likable. They’ve put a lot of effort into this, and the result has been that she has a reputation as being totally insincere. If she…
Michelle Obama and Elizabeth Warren are also not as good as Obama and Bill. Those two are incredible orators, and other people don’t even come close. But Michelle and Warren are both good. Hilary, on the other hand, is terrible. She’s really bad at giving speeches. It’s part of the whole insincere unlikable thing…
Hilary is a terrible speaker. I just wrote a post about this. The problem isn’t with acknowledging that she’s a horrible orator. We acknowledge that about Romney, too, for example. The problem is that it hits an emotional/sexist nerve with some people. They aren’t just saying that she’s a terrible speaker. They are…
If you were to ask me in 2008 what HRC’s 2016 campaign would be like, I would use the word flawless. Meticulous propaganda so well crafted that cynical progressives like myself wouldn’t even question compromising over her. The kind of psy ops that would have made her ‘inevitability’ seem more inevitable. When I look…
Honestly, the very least surprising thing ever about the Donald Trump for president campaign is the fact that he’s an unapologetic cleavage starer.
My eyes are down here!!!
NOt a pretty sight.
gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa now I can imagine debates: he will be gazing at Hillary’s chest.
Are any of the Duggers there? You could borrow something "modest".
Tesla isn’t making their reduced production volume estimates. The cars that come out aren’t meeting quality standard for similarly-priced vehicles by other OEMs. Executive churn is ridiculous.
So, naturally, Musk resorts to a marketing tease.
Hard pass. Murder For Pizza went downhill after they started adding prog elements in the “Box of Infants” EP. And TFTD’s just a Too Many Daves rip off band.
Murder For Pizza, Hot Cup of Poison, BeerTot and Too Fat to Die: this Saturday night at Jimmy’s Punk Rock Palace!