Promnight Dumpster Baby Fire

She has an odd cadence, and also, odd shifts in volume and emphasis, not where a person speaking naturally would do these things. Like an alien occupying a human body and having trouble operating the vocal apparatus. This also happens when she tries to clap, the apparent difficulty in controlling the human body, I

Just like Hillary when you ask her about TPP.

How about, it creates secret binding arbitration panels which can decide that a country’s workplace safety, food safety, or pollution laws are creating unfair barriers to trade (de facto tarrifs because of the increased costs) and they can then issue embargoes or fines unless and until the laws in question are

And she is clearly trying to pander to libertarians, because her position is that people should be free to choose to vaccinate, even if it is true that everyone should vaccinate, and to get them to, we need to provide them with more confidence in the data they are receiving.

Its absolutely shocking that 50% of the people in the US are below average in intelligence! Talk about failing schools! We should look into what they are doing in the Lake Wobegone school district, where all the children are above average.

Bill was also FURIOUS that the socialist jew gave her a scare. The Clintons’ sense of entitlement is such that they regard all competitors as thieves trying to steal Hillary's presidency.

Her supporters believe in the Myth of Hillary's Competence. I am sorry but she has always struck me as a plodding grind, an average intellect (average in the circles she dwells in, I mean, its like saying an average college professor) who works so so so hard. A dull grind, determined to be valedictorian because she so

I find her communication skills amazing, yes, she is professorial, but never condescending, and has a gift for explaining very complicated things so that they can be understood. I did not know she is a bad campaigner. I like her for the policies she supports, her substance, and I loathe Hillary for her substance, her

The Clintons have a lot of power in the Democratic "establishment" and were more successful in "clearing the decks" for Hillary this year than in 2008, and I think that was enough to keep Warren out, plus too, maybe the promise of something like SEC chairperson? My point about her difficulties with Bernie, because of

Really great comment, I learned. The analogy to Bush is perfect, it made your observation click for me.

Oh indeed I am.

Cut and paste from her website?

She works for the greater wealth and glory of the Clinton family, but apparently she has you drinking the koolaid.

Hey, at least he didn't use the words "strident" and "shrill." Which I would have done, along with making the observation that she was creepily smug and exultant and gave more of the vibe of having been elected prom queen than of a person taking on a monumental responsibility. So, by comparison with me, the NY Post

She lost the nomination in 08 to a black man. That’s historic. And she had a really really really tough fight to defeat a jewish socialist. And this despite that both times it was her turn, it was inevitable, and she was the "establishment candidate." Even with training wheels and being pushed and shoved up through

Such statements should always be preceded by the words "Dammit, Jim."

Robert Smigel is my own personal deity.

I merely note for the record that Tiffany was sleeveless, a sartorial option which has been forbidden to female journalists.

They are purging anyone who even dresses like Michelle Obama now.

Reflect upon the fact that Sandusky ADOPTED his favorite victim, so that he could bring him home to live with him, like man and pubescent boy wife. Are you gaging and retching yet? I bet the little boy gagged and retched.