
If the MPAA wants to keep the 25PB, shouldn't they be required to cough up the cash to buy enough hard drives or DVD-Rs or whatever to copy the data to? Why should Carpathia suffer the loss of business just so another completely independent organization could potentially file law suites at some later point?

Being a small rural redneck hick, I don't see this coming to my hometown any time soon... I'm assuming the site simply looks for public tweets who have a geolocal tag with the specific city. I wonder if they might consider allowing us to enter our own city rather than limiting us to just the 51 top cities... Or

If I do the system on a stick idea and set up a LiveCD on my thumb drive, would I be able to take advantage of the write-able nature of the thumb drive? Like if my antivirus program sends new definitions, or Google finally releases a Linux Drive program. Would I be able to install these onto the LiveUSB image & have

Ah, didn't probe deep enough to realize there was a training session for the zombies... If its short enough, maybe just have everyone go through it? I was just thinking.... Once my "life" has been ripped away by a zombie, I stop running, hold out my hands and "BRAIIIINNNNS" start to stumble my way towards the next

"[...] suggests that roommates' study habits rub off on each other, influencing their GPAs."

"[...] suggests that roommates' study habits rub off on each other, influencing their GPAs."

Here's a possible tweak to make it a little more useful. As it is now, it basically says:

If you use Google's services a lot, I'd suggest maybe checking out Blogger. I just checked their page & there's a nifty little video demonstration that makes it look fairly straight forward & easy to set up just how you want. I'm assuming if you've already got the photos uploaded to Picassa (another Google service)

Well, right now, Box's limitations make it piratically useless to me but I nabbed the 50GBs anyway, just to have it in case I find a need or they lift some of the limitations making it more useful. I'm considering getting a SkyDrive & Ubuntu One account as well, just to have the extra space (25 & 5GBs respectively),

Well, right now, Box's limitations make it piratically useless to me but I nabbed the 50GBs anyway, just to have it in case I find a need or they lift some of the limitations making it more useful. I'm considering getting a SkyDrive & Ubuntu One account as well, just to have the extra space (25 & 5GBs respectively),

I was actually thinking of a basic metal table and just sticking your run-of-the-mill fridge magnets onto it. Like the plastic letters, or the words you move around to make funny sentences. Or the magnetic business cards you occasionally find - Could make for a unique directory.

I'd recommend checking your data usage. I believe AT&T has a nifty grafting function in your account somewhere for you to check.

If you get a tablet with a cellular data connection, you could always use Google Voice + an VoIP app. Though I'd pair it with a Bluetooth ear piece, so you don't look daft walking down the street holding a 10 inch tablet to the side of your head.

That should be 16/32GBs of STORAGE not RAM, right...

yeah, I was going to suggest, when not in use as a table, depending on the material the it could be useful in other functions.

Yes, you should take extra precautions while using public wifi, like at Starbucks. Though as a reminder, your home connection isn't 100% safe. Especially if you're using wifi. Anyone near by - your neighbors, some random person parked on the street in front of your house, etc could potentially compromise your

I'm now an Android user so I can't confirm, but knowing Apple, I'm assuming since this is an official sanctioned app (since its on iTunes) it'll only pass data securely locally, ie only the browsing done in its browser.

Same argument could be made when your at home on your broadband connection... All your queries are being tunneled through your ISP's servers... Only difference, in this case, is we're talking about AT&T instead of Cox...

Why would I have to spend almost $300 on a new piece of hardware? I haven't used/thought about it for a long time (like a decade) but I had, at one point, some free software I downloaded from the net that would do the same thing. You had the option of either all 1s, all 0s, or a random string, and could set it to do

"It's a terrible waste of money, but it sure is efficient to get rid of teh secretzz"