
FYI, unauthorized access to a computer or network is technically a federal crime (per 18 USC § 1030). Of course, chances are, if you're just popping onto someone's home wifi to check email real quick it probably won't escalate to anything serious... But if your getting on to pirate movies....

From what I've read tethering will be included as part of the data package once Verizon switches over to their new shared data program at the end of the month (the 28th)...

A question: My mom is a rather ... hands on (aka sloppy) cook.... Her hands will often be covered with flour, grease, icing or whatever... Considering most tablets are touch screens.... Any suggestions on being able to use the tablet without getting its screen covered in gunk?

Exactly what I was thinking.... Just because its easier, doesn't make it better...

Maybe its just because its nearing dinner time & I'm getting hungry.... But when I saw this article in the stories side bar list... I could have sworn it said "The 9 Most Terrible Tech Tacos"...

Don't be daft.... The phone is already listening into everything, beaming it back to the NSA super computers.... Haven't you read the stories that say the only way to stop it is to take the battery out of your phone when your not using it??? Its so the government can protect us from terrorists.... And the even

Not saying I wouldn't mind the option of changing her name, but wouldn't Siri be on the list of not often used names? Maybe its part of the curse of living in a small rural environmental, but before it launched with the iPhone, I don't think I've ever heard the name Siri (Chrome's spell check doesn't even like it)...

I'm wondering how long until Google snaps up UberConference. It seems like it'd be a perfect extra to add into Google Voice. If I'm not mistaken, I believe its even by the same person who created Grand Central (which became GV after Google bought it)...

OK, so this is kind of awesome - except its apparently going to be major city only for awhile (yet another reason I need to move from the country)...

It'd be awesome if I could keep unlimited & switch over to the new shared data system... I'd gladly drop $800 on a new Galaxy Nexus & another 800 for a tablet if I could get both online as much as I wanted wherever I wanted.... (Course I suppose I could always just turn on tethering, but...)

I'd advise calling customer support to verify, but... My understanding (not taking any blame if I'm wrong) is the only time you'll lose your unlimited data is if you walk in & claim your New Every 2 or the like where they sell you a new Galaxy Nexus for $300 instead of the full $800... Since you're in effect paying

What kind of forensic tool would the police (or anyone else for that matter) need if they've got my username & password? Couldn't they just log into my account & get access to all of the files & data stored on it, just like I could... I'm not too familiar with how iCloud works (I'm an Android user), but I know if

A few questions/observations...

Yeah. The 3G got cut off at like 4.0. But, idiot me, I forgot the bleeding obvious. DeskSMS allows me to text via my GTalk account - so when I get a text it pops up on my desktop like a regular IM... All I'd have to do is launch Trillian or some other GTalk capable IM client on my iPhone & I'd be able to

On a tangentially related topic... Is there anyway to get iMessenger to work on an iPhone 3G? They stopped receiving updates before iMessenger was released? I've since upgraded to a Droid X, and am using the old iPhone as an iPod Touch, so I don't *need* it... But it could be kind of cool to be able to shoot out

The United States believes you're involved with terroristic activities.... We've locked your computer so you can't do bad things with it anymore until you pay us $100"... um, yeah... that's believable...

I think you may be complicating this more than it needs to be.

Wait I could have a "girlfriend" for just $5.... Damn... no more having to pay for her dinner, movie ticket & snacks, drinks at the bar after, etc.... I like....

This is basically what Google Plus was built around. Adding people to various circles, depending on how they relate to my life & sharing only specific information with them. If you've a small Facebook friend list it probably won't take too long to set something similar up on FB, but if you've got 1,000+ like me....

1.) If the MPAA says they can't sell the servers because *THEIR* copyrighted work is on them... and the MPAA doesn't like unauthorized files floating around outside of their control.... Maybe its just me, but a simple solution would be to remove all of the infringing data, leaving the non-infringing stuff, like my