
A couple potential issues come to mind. If I send out a group text of "where should we have lunch?" & someone replies "Don't forget, we were going to McDonald's for Cindy's suprise birthday party", unaware that their message is going to the orginial sender & Cindy as well... So much for the suprise... Or if I send a

Gives new meaning to the phrase "Fast food" :)

Cheers mate! Found me a link... Of course, I don't know if I need a "Here's stuff you could be doing instead of working" site when I already have AD...OS (attention deficit... oooh, shiny)...

Another reason to stay with a lower version - most trackers require uses to use specific torrent programs with specific version numbers. These have been tested (ie are generally not the most recent release) & they're sure will work well with the tracker, report proper statistics, etc... One tracker I use frequently,

Oh great.... Another thing for which to beg for an invite.... (Was that grammatically correct?)... So... Please... If anyone has one... Don't think I have anything to trade (unless you still need an invite for Spotify, then I can help)... Out of curiosity, for those of you who've already got one... How? Is

When you say Crashplan offers "unlimited" storage... Is this actual dictionary definition of "unlimited", or are we using cellular data plan new-speak definition of "unlimited" (where I've got "unlimited" data, up to 20GBs)... I've got 3TBs in my desktop, as well as a 2, 1 and 0.5TB external hard drives sitting here

My alma mater started a similar policy when I was still there. You could have always done this... I was in the hall office one day (worked as an RA) and a girl came down complaining that her internet connection stopped working while she was in class... I was trying to trouble shoot a few possibilities & she

Any word on if the Sony Bluray player with Google TV will be getting the upgrade as well? I saw someone had it for like $150 & was thinking of getting one... Figure I could get Google TV & replace the first generation DVD player with a BR player, and mesh them all into one box, rather than adding yet another device

Is there anything similar for Android? I know I recently cleaned a few unused apps out of my phone... Knowing just how infrequently I do use an app could be helpful in justifying deleting it even though it seems like it'd be so helpful...

On a semi-related thread.... Can G+ers on Desktops use the Huddles (now Messenger) function, or is that mobile only (like video hangouts use to be desktop only)? I may have to spend some extended time away from a computer/internet connection (shuddering at the thought of the withdrawal symptoms) & it looks like it

OK, I'm gonna try to post this again (my first attempt the other day generated a "Failed to post comment" error)... If anyone has any idea how to fix this issue, please let me know.... It happened to me before, and I was able to figure something out, but I don't recall what & nothing I've tried this far seems to

I'd really like to see a Pandora like app for Spotify. Let me take a song or artist (or like Google Music, an entire playlist) & seed a radio station (and then fine tune it by liking/disliking songs as it plays). Their current radio system, IMHO, is too much like traditional AM/FM radio where you can't customize it

I actually ran across this on Google+ a week or so earlier... Useful information.... I forwarded a copy of it to my mother who is always complaining she can never find anything useful on the internet cause she doesnt know how to look for it... But I'm sure these are not the only useful tricks.... Does anyone else

Sometime back around ... '06 maybe ... a MPAA/RIAA "Training" video leaked... I managed to obtain a copy. It sounds fairly similar to the 60 Minutes episode you're describing... My favorite part was when they were discussing how when you go to buy a pirated DVD you'll be asked "Would you like it with or

How exactly does the judge plan on enforcing this? It'll be easy for search engines to remove from their results. But FB, G+, Twitter, etc.... Those will be harder... They could, also block any searches for those particular sites, but... since their material is all user generated... If I post on my

Wow.... Am I reading this right.... If I share a song with a friend, he then basically has a copy of it... He can upload it onto his computer & listen to it as often as he wants... So basically, all I need to do is load my MP3 collection into my phone, & while we have lunch together, my music could be going over to

If they actually use screens (like a smartphone), then the car would glow... It could be useful if you lost your car in a parking structure (especially one not too well lit)... Rather than just listening for the beeps when you hit your vob, the car could start changing colors with a big "HEY I'M RIGHT HERE" sign

I agree... I really don't see how, to my carrier, me using my phone's connection to power the phone's browser differs any from me using my phone's connection to power my laptop's browser... A megabyte is a megabyte, as far as I know, it doesn't matter if I'm pulling it down for the phone or for the laptop.... As

Is there anyway I could bump the audio for a specific program up past 100%? Occasionally I'll find an avi file on my hard drive whose audio portion is difficult to make out - especially if there's noise in the room... I've bumped VLC up to 200% audio (or whatever the audio slider maxes out at) & have both the main &