
I usually stay in the 250-500MB range myself, with cellular data at least... Though I'm shy of 2GBs of wifi data this month (& I still have ~2 weeks to go)...

The phone based features (calling & texting) will work regardless of being on wifi or cellular network.

I remember reading a report the other year (back around the time the Droid X was launched I think) that claimed Android users used more data, on average, than iPhone users....

Couple of things:

I agree.... It'd be awesome to be able to replace cell tower reception with wifi... At my old job, there were several places in the building I'd either have no, or very letter cell reception... But with wifi being everywhere now, I'd be a lot closer & have better reception to the WiFi hotspots than the cell

Kinda cool.... But... Possibly a technical question.... Can the Wifi hotspot create an ad hoc network for just those 2 ipads? It'd probably suck if its connecting to the cloud & sucking down 3/4G connection... I don't know how much bandwidth facetime (or any other video chat protocols) uses, but if you're gonna


I could see a couple uses for flexible screens, depending on how flexible they are.

I think that's kind of what Robotwaste was suggesting s/he does. Just cause s/he isn't downloading it from the internet doesn't mean s/he isn't pirating it.

Stupid question.... If they're raising prices because they're getting jabbed with a (higher) fee for processing debit/credit cards.... Wouldn't that fee (increase) also apply to Bluray and game rentals? Shouldn't they go up as well? Or more likely, are they just phasing the change in one item at a time...

There was a study listed on Lifehacker (I think, maybe here?) a year or two ago that mentioned researchers found the level of a person's "happiness" was directly proportional to their level of income... So money does buy happiness... Up to the $75k mark, then happiness plateaus out. This sounds like the application

Out of curiosity, how do you set up a delayed response in Gmail? I didn't notice anything when I was just looking through the options.

randomly stumbled upon an iPhone screen capture earlier today of someone showing off a SSID they found that I liked (& may steal next time I change mine).... It was Bill Wi the Science Fi.

You should be able to, yes... You'll be able to set it either on the router, so all computers & other devices that get the internet through the router will automatically use it, or per device so only that specific one uses it. Google search "Change DNS" or something to that effect to find out how on your specific

I'll second Johann Schmidt, HeartburnKid and TheFu's suggestions....

I don't know if I'd go with putting an old ID in your "mugging" wallet... Personally, I'd rather not provide a mugger (who could easily become a bugler) with my home address...

If your on an Android phone, try a custom rom, like cyanogenmod. When Verizon pushed Gingerbread to my phone, they had Moto add some code to the update that'd check to make sure the tethering app your using is the official app. If it wasn't, then you'd get kicked off the network & could only load the Verizon page

If your on Verizon I think it comes down to one question... Which would you rather have - an SD card or NFC?

Wait... I thought Apple didn't like Flash....

Well.... Not from this specific trojan... Malware written for Mac can't do anything on your Windows computer & visa verse...