
So I've been seriously considering upgrading to the new [insert name of the day] Prime when it gets released. It'll be my first 4G phone. My only concern is that I've heard LTE & GPS operate on similar frequencies and since the LTE signal is closer & thus stronger, it'll often mess up the GPS.

If you fiddle around with the settings some, I believe, if you have the most recent Google Maps app installed on your phone, you should be able to get caching, as @zoomZAP & @RandomMarius said, via a Labs feature.

Just what I was thinking... Chrome automatically translates any site I visit in a language I don't know.... So they obviously have the technology....

I agree with E1Mo. Check out the upcoming Prime. Its what, I would assume, the vast majority of Android geeks have been wet-dreaming about for a few weeks now....

Not 100% about AT&T's, but I believe Verizon's is tied to your account. So as long as you've got an active account with Verizon, regardless of which phone you have active, you still have your grandfathered unlimited data. I'd assume AT&T operates on a similar means. So as long as you don't cancel your account with

I kept my usb drive on the keyring with my dorm room key. As an added benefit, I always had my key with me, and thus I always had my handy 256MB of storage (yeah, it was awhile ago) in case I ever randomly needed it.

Recycling old electronics is a fantastic idea. They often made from compounds that don't do too well decomposing in landfills, or rare materials (gold, etc) that could be re-used in newer devices...

"[...] or even just acting embarrassed—convince others that you're more trustworthy [...]"

Rather than providing a third party (whom I have no reason to trust) with all of my credentials, I think I'd rather just place a line in my will stating "this is the password to decrypt my keepass/etc file. Please take appropriate actions for my online accounts." Then, only my lawyer gets to see it until I die, and

When I read about new bills like this, I'm always wondering "Is this seriously the most important thing they had to worry about?" The whole debt crisis, poor economy, etc wasn't important enough to figure out a solution, but making sure telemarketers could get in touch with us 24/7 no matter where we are was....

What Android apps would fellow LH'ers suggest for something like this?

If anyone is still paying attention, I took @WiFi's advice & checked back later... They're back in business & I managed to snag a free account... so go forth & be merry with Usenet if your interested :D

Your professor is right, prepaid, aka burner, phones are (frequently) used by criminals. Though I don't know if I'd go as far as saying we should ban their use simply because some criminals use them. There are, I would assume, enough legit reasons to own and use them.

Agreed... Just another benefit of Android devices, Ours come with a free sat nav app. And it integrates with the browser. So if I google something like "Pizza places in St. Louis" & find one I like, its just a click or two until I've got directions...

The only problem with this... If you're too busy to cook.... When are you going to have time to fix up the meals to make into bricks?

Women respond to low pitched men's voices, men don't respond to any women's voice....

Those would be called filters.... And all you'd need to do is "For all incoming messages where sender is not [your address], delete"...

OK, the LED goes on before the board gets waterproofed, so the water won't FUBAR them.... But, um.... how do you recharge them? Wouldn't that cause an issue with the whole waterproofing?

D'OH! Too late.... What if I'm already joined Google Plus before hearing about Not Google Plus? I don't want to be left out of Not Google Plus

I work in a rather casual office, and often have music playing in the background (can't stand it being too quiet). When I'm in a meeting, I turn it off, but... I usually average at least 40 hours a week on the clock... If I managed to make it a week without meetings (HA! I'd like to see that), there goes the entire