
Plus, it'd be helpful to keep a physical card with you, just in case they don't have the paypass system (and cold hard cash in case there's an issue with processing the plastic, etc)....

When I was in high school, I didn't carry a wallet - didn't have any credit/debit cards & beyond lunch money didn't really need any cash at school or work... And the only time I needed my drivers license was when I was driving, so I usually just left it in the glove box.

To the last suggestion, creating a PVR.... I was wondering if anyone has tried making an automated downloader that uses file locker sites rather than relying on torrents.... If so, how'd you set it up? Some ISPs are not all that torrent friendly, but don't seem to mind if you pull down a few 175/350/700MB files

Thats what I thought.... But then the article suggested, if Flash, or another plug in was needed, to use the desktop....

I know when I was still at college I kept myself pretty busy. I had a full academic course load (15-18 credits every semester), I was in 4 different honors groups (president of 2 of them), actively involved with numerous other groups/clubs/organizations (holding an officer or chair position in most), social

OK, I'm a little confused..... Does the "no plug-in browser" apply to just the tablet version of 8, or is it also part of the desktop version?

she's probably saying "um, excuse me, I'm hungry, get up & feed me breakfast NOW!"

Also, you may want to check into volunteering at your local shelter. I know around here they're always happy to get people to come in to walk & play with the dogs, so they're not stuck in their kennels 24/7. And of course, there's also the glamorous job of helping to clean the kennels, etc as well that they always

Along with fostering, volunteer at the local shelter. I know the ones around here are always looking for volunteers to come & walk the dogs, play with them, etc...

I don't have any now, my last passed away last year (wow time has flown)... My most recent bout with fish started back when I joined my honors Fraternity & became part of the Fish family (rat, penguin, t-rex, panther and I think one other family also existed)... I was home one weekend out at Walmart with the family

I think I'd prefer to stick to the old fashioned signature:

Neat... 2 questions...

I so wanted to set up for a domain, and set up for an email.... But, some company has already taken from me (HOW RUDE).... I've been checking out other TLDs, but all of the traditional ones are taken (or I don't qualify - .edu/.gov)....

From my understanding.... You can lend a book to someone (for a fortnight).... Only problem is, unless they've changed it... Each book can only be loaned once in its life.

Considering its shown in the article's picture, I'm surprised there was no mention of Spotify. Granted, to get the full effect, you'll need to be a paying subscriber ($10/month).

So the GUI wasn't exactly what I had in my mind, but damn, they stole my idea! I so wanted to make the main dash with the speedometer, etc into one screen with all the info displayed around a GPS map, etc.... Though I do like the whole controls on the steering wheel.... That was the only thing I really hadn't

Possibly a stupid observation.... But... Wouldn't it have taken the uncle some time to get a lighter (or other spark) out to catch the dude on fire... During which time, the criminal could easily have done some major damage with the knife....

2 members of the jury have been seated.... 10 more + 2 alternatives still sought.... :)

It doesn't do anything to assist you in watching local sports, just recording them so you can watch them later.... You have to pick up the sporting event from the network's Over The Air (OTA) broadcast (using your TV's antenna)... Then you can use this to record the show.

Probably they wanted to track the path (s)he took back.... Or more likely, he said "dude, it'd be so uncool if my friends saw you dropping me off in front of the school.... why don't you drop me off a few blocks away & I'll swim the rest of the way there"....