
This could be useful.

OK, so I've only briefly played with a Win7 phone, so I'm still fairly new to the tiles thing... And while they do look cool and all.... I'm still curious about whats the big deal about them.... All I'm hearing is "imagine being able to see what the weather is, or see how many emails you have without opening a

Hmm... instead of powering the laptop with a light bulb, can we move the solar cell to make it a 'glare shield' for the keys.... Then it can suck up the monitor's light, thus powering the laptop with its own, infinite power....

1.) Not everyone has a data cap. AT&T and Verizon both allowed people who already had unlimited data to keep their plan when they transferred to tiered plans. Sprint still has unlimited data (and if they switch, will likely grandfather current users over). Plus I don't think the idea is to be transferring terabytes

I know that there is no way I'd ever get 7 to boot as fast as 8.... And I wasn't actually suggesting I was going to try (though it could be cool)...

A unique take on the lock screen.... It could possibly deter people from taking the phone - causing them to think there's tech issues & its frozen on the home screen.... 'Course they'd probably check that AFTER they stole it (though might be nice to return it claiming they "found" it later)....

My only problem with Pandora making workout stations is.... I'll have to convince the gym to install wifi to be able to use it...

haha! Glad to see I'm not the only one who caught that logic issue....

1.) It would have been nice if they provided either a spec listing for the laptop or gave us an identical box booting 7. I'm sure any computer could boot in a couple seconds with 12GB of RAM, an over clocked 5GHz processor, etc.... If I knew how it compared to my desktop spec wise, or knowing how long it takes for 7

Here are a couple ideas (though neither involve using an iOS device)...

It'd be nice for editing documents... I'm sure a full keyboard would be easier to type on than the phone's on screen & you could get a more realistic representation of the page without having to keep zooming in/out as you typed. The larger screen would be nice to watch movies on as well.

I'd suggest, maybe instead of cutting the wire each morning, it be redesigned so the wires just pulls out... Then you can just plug the wires back in after you've defused the alarm. That way you don't have to keep buying replacement wires.... and we don't end up with tens of thousands of red/blue/yellow/green wire

"[...] will let you record an ungodly four shows at once, with room to let you watch a fifth"

The only reason Macs are "immune" from malware is because of the low market share. Windows is installed on like 80+% of all computers (totally made up, but I'd be surprised if it wasn't close to true). The goal for most virus/malware authors is to get as many infected as possible, thus, you're going to target

So how many of you, like me, upon seeing the PLAY triangle in the article's picture automatically clicked on it expecting a video to play....

I actually see it more going to beef up Google TV than to beef up Youtube.... Pretty sure I read somewhere they were looking at keeping them separate, Youtube for home videos, etc, and Hulu for TV/Movies....

I think the whole "we can't ship to a PO box" thing has changed... I recall a couple years ago, during a staff meeting my boss mentioning something about students being able to register a PO Box with the school (previously they were required to give an actual physical address) because of a new law/program that went

You can set your phone to automatically forward unanswered calls to Google Voice. So it doesn't matter if they call your Google Voice or carrier provided number, their voice mail still gets left on Google's system and you can take all of the advantages there of (transcriptions emailed/texted, etc)...

OK, now I'm in the mood.... Anyone up for a game of Risk?

"My daughter knows her donor's number for this very reason,"