
If I include the location, would GCal be smart enough to adjust time zones as well? If I enter "Meet with Chapter President, 6-7:30 in St. Louis University's Student Union, St. Louis Missouri" while I'm in Miami Florida, would it convert over to St. Louis's time zone, or would I show up at Miami's 6?

ronically (on a tangently related note), earlier today I read an article about the US's proposed Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011 (aka PROTECT IP) [United States Senate Bill S.968] which would effectively cut off any website the media (& other)

First off, to your "they solve a problem that doesn't exist" argument.... The problem, as I understand it, they solve is the fact that night cyclists have lowered visibility. If this problem doesn't exist, why are you suggesting I get special reflective tires and spend ~$150 on lights for my bike? I think the

I'm a little confused about putting the tea bag at the bottom as well, as I'd imagine the nutrients would, as you suggest, mostly leak out the bottom. I'd think maybe sprinkling the tea leaves onto the soil on top would be helpful as well.... Then as the water drips down it could take the nutrients down as well (it'd

To play devil's advocate here.... I can understand the airlines refusal to get the Kindle for him. How exactly would the gate attendant know that it was actually his Kindle & he didn't happen to notice someone else leaving it there & wanted to snag it for himself? By having him call, they could check it out, have

I wonder why they've decided to go with a signal booster rather than the femtocell/microcells that Verizon & AT&T have. Its probably cheaper, but the microcells would provide better service (no need to have "at least one bar" since they plug into your internet connection to talk to the rest of the world.

Thanks for the clarification :) Living in a land-locked state, there really isn't much of a chance to SCUBA much, so I'm afraid its one (of only a few) area I'm lacking in knowledge... Though the couple semesters I had room for a "for fun" course at college, the SCUBA diving course was always filled within seconds

First off, isn't Boy Genius an Apple fanboy? Not saying you can't accurately report on both, but maybe he's a little off... And don't forget we are dealing with rumors here... Maybe he (and you) are right, and this isn't a Nexus phone. Or maybe it is... Maybe Verizon is only using the Droid moniker as a code name

No one said the Verizon exclusivity would be world wide. I would assume that other countries would get the phone with radios compatible with their own network. And I've heard rumors that the Verizon exclusivity isn't going to last forever, that after a few months or whatever it'll drop on other networks as well.

I'm hoping/assuming that may change soon-ish... Especially if Google works on mixing in OS level support for G+ into Android, and with more phones getting front facing cameras enabling mobile video chat with GTalk. I could see GTalk becoming a strong competitor. Possibly rivaling SMS superiority.

I was wondering about nitrogen narcosis.... Considering your knowledge on the subject is far greater than mine (just what I've seen on TV)... Would NN be a concern with this? Or would it raise you up slow enough to not be an issue? Of course, my understanding is you can surface with NN, & survive long enough to

A few questions

Also, to get picky.... If it can't write tweets.... How exactly is it posting that I just arrived at the grocery store (or where ever)? Wouldn't that be writing a tweet?

But.... if I didn't take my laptop to bed.... I wouldn't be able to IM.... and if I couldn't IM, how would I be able to ask my partner if s/he wanted to cuddle after we turned the lights out??? It'd be too rude to reach over & just start typing on his/her laptop...

I'm imagining one of the newer 4.5 (maybe even 5?) inch screened phones.... Fits well in your pants pocket, does everything you'd expect from a phone, But when you want to do some serious work, you flip it open, or slide the second screen down, like some physical keyboards do now, or whatever, and bada boom, you have

"He often times travels quite a distance."

Only thing, I really don't think Mother Nature cares too much if your out doing your job, or out running around being a drunk idiot exposing yourself on camera... A lightening bolt isn't going to stop half way down just cause the guy has a press pass.... He did mention that two people had already been killed - one

Anyone else find it ironic how the newscaster is saying how stupid it is for people to be outside during a hurricane, that they're such idiots & he doesn't even want to show them outside because its setting a bad example.... WHILE HIMSELF standing outside reporting...

I could see this happening at Google as well, with their Google TV. When they buy Motorola, from what I understand, not only are they getting a mobile phone manufacturer, but they're also getting a cable box manufacturer. They're also (rumored at least) in talks to put a bid on Hulu.

Could someone explain what makes the tile interface so exceptional?