
Great, now he's going to get the attention of all the girl volcanoes.... just because he can blow smoke rings....

This could be good for the office lunch thief... "Why did you take my lunch?" "I didn't... it had my name on it...."

You raised some good points.... But, I could see one reason where Block (and to a lesser extent, ignore) could come in handy. I have a person who I'm not particularly fond of. So I haven't added her to any of my circles. Thus, she won't see any of my circle specific postings. My public postings, she can still

If you do the Google Maps + Exercise bike, it could be cool to simulate riding your bike down an Amazonian trail....

As an OT (On Tangent) request...

Not sure about the whole "my wife & I" bit, not sure exactly how else to word it (other than just using the generic We)... But, aren't most reviews generally attached to the item they're referring to? So I could say "My wife & I stayed here..." or "We stayed in one of their luxury suites" rather than using the name

It probably wouldn't be worth it, but.... Could something like this be added to my mobile phone's battery? Each step I take, while the phone is swinging around in my pants pocket, could provide a little extra juice... Obviously not a lot of extra power.... But maybe it could add a few extra minutes of battery

Obviously, the story's only giving us one side (the lady's), but I'm really confused why the GM cussed her out & told her to leave the bar.... I would have expected the call to have gone something like "we're sorry the service wasn't what you expected, to make up for the sub-par service, I'm going to comp tonight's

I'd hate to be competing against China.... Your about to lap a Chinese track member... you look ahead of you & there's a Chinese solider standing there, eyeing you with a riffle in his hand.... you slow down, let the Chinese track member gain a little distance on you....

I don't know.... 4.5 may not be that big.... The Droid X, as you mentioned is 4.35... I'll have to get it in my hands & play around with it some before I can determine if the extra 0.15 inches push it into the "too big" category... 4.5 might be cool (as long as it maintains a 16:9 aspect ratio). I do really like

True, the keys "behind" where you're typing will get blocked out.... BUT... if your typing, G for example, do you need to see the V and B keys (depending on where the projector is)? They'll become visible again when you lift your finger from the G so you can find them for the next letter...

How would requiring the dev to use their own ID'ing system affect finding potential pirates? So what if my copy of Angry Birds calls home using a UDID of 02-22-3b-19-5a or randomly generated 0125654785 as its primary key ID number? "A rose by any other name..."

I was wondering about that as well.... whats the point of 0|1, 2|3, .... Why not just label them 0, 1, 2...

They've sent us a few adverts for it....

How does getting the SSID of a college kid/professor/staff's network allow the hacker to get their social security number? You'd still have to get into the network, and find their numbers... And there was no mention of SSIDs on the linked Giz article.

When I was at school, I had a surround sound system set up in my apartment's living room.... In my house now, however, it would be a little harder to set up the speakers - I'd have to get longer wires to run around doorways, etc.... A few days ago, I saw a DIY project to enable speakers with WiFi to stream music

"the government can fine the airlines up to $27,500 per passenger for the delay. You won't see any of that money [...]"

The dreaded Room Condition Form (RCF).... I worked as an RA for several years at school, and getting those done usually took an entire day of training. We'd go room to room, opening all of the drawers - closet, dresser, desk... flipping the mattress over to check out both sides of it, turning on & off all the

I was thinking of buying them specifically.... If you have a limited data package, or have to go offline/can't get a data signal, you can always locally cache up to 3,333 different tracks on up to 3 different devices. You'd be able to play those songs on your phone while on the subway with intermittent data and your

The second vid, the kid in the beater... Are we sure that was an earthquake.... looks to me like he was engaging in some other activities that caused the cam to jerk....