
Where do we send our CVs?

Not to get picky, but... From the Tethering article:

Alright... This kinda fits her. Out of curiosity... I know Linux can run (most) Windows programs using WINE, but... Is there anyway I can run Android apk files on my linux box? Android is built on linux, so I'd assume there would be some means to get them to work....

I agree.... I'd rather have a thicker phone - within reason of course (nothing like the bricks first generation cellphones were) - than sacrifice on the hardware, just to make it as thin as possible. There's no reason the Nexus couldn't have both an SD card reader and an NFC chip.

While we're on the subject of jokes....

I can see a few problems with this...

So, taste is 95% smell, and the lids are providing the smell... Does that mean the doughnut shops can lower the quality of their coffee & still charge the same...

That was my thought as well.... Although an even cheaper solution would be to simply take the lid off before you take a drink. Then you keep the aroma trapped inside the cup until you're ready to drink, thus keeping it more concentrated for when you do drink.

Why do you get 72 hours to watch a 20-45min TV show (assuming no commercials) but you only get 24hours to watch a 90-120min movie? Does it make sense that something that's half as long gets 3x more time to watch? And the time limit... Does that start at purchase, at download (end or start of), or after the flight

Will this work with just fresh stains... Or will it magically make the containers that have been red for years back to their store bought colors? Also, all plastics or just Tupperware(r)?

If you go the "Cancel your plan to get a new subsidized phone" remember that if you have any grandfathering on your account (such as unlimited data plans with AT&T and Verizon) when you cancel your current plan, you will lose your grandfathered status, and in this case, have to pick a tired data plan when you make a

Not that I'm not opposed to getting money back, but... Don't the airlines have the right to charge as much as they want for a ticket? If they want to bump the price of a ticket up 20-40 bucks isn't that their prerogative? After all, air lines are complaining they're going broke due to high gas prices, etc... It'd

I just graduated a couple years ago (pre ipad/tablet craze)... The bulk of my classes, I think most people took notes on paper. A couple people here & there brought laptops with them.

Except you'd need some kind of power supply to power up the drive.... Not sure about iOS, but I'd assume it wouldn't take too much work to set up some kind of internet enabled NAS for Android, so you could use a regular hard drive as an external drive on the phone/tablet... hmmm.... weekend project for next weekend

Yeah, I was wondering about that... How exactly do they define "former student"... I know some people return to their old High Schools to teach... Would said individuals be prohibited from becoming facebook friends with their new co-workers because they're "former students"... Or, while technically not a teacher, I

Oh... Pretty wallpaper :)

This may be a stupid question, but... Why are prisons on an open network? I doubt too many guards are going to need smart phone apps that let them open cell doors from the comfort of their own homes... Run internet access to the few computers in the library, the guard's break room, warden's office, etal.... Keep

Only problem is... While its more prevalent than wifi, 3G isn't universal either... I live in a rural area, the only wifi (other than private residences) are at the hospital, McDonald's and one gas station. We have 3G, from Verizon, in most places. Occasionally, I catch the phone dropping to the backup 1x... And

Thanks for the suggestion... I was going to try to get my hands on a copy of the Russian Rosetta Stone... I may check out a couple other though... The Michel Thomas one sounds like it might be good to load onto my mp3 player & listen to at the gym maybe, get a little multi-slacking going on while I work out...

I think, if you edit the settings on the browser & switch its user agent string to that of the Chrome desktop version, you should be able to get onto the network's sites & stream from there (as they think you're coming from a regular desktop instead of a GTV)... Not sure if that works with Hulu or not...