
Nice.... That's actually kind of what I was picturing in my head... I'll download it & give it a try later today... And its what Google is using for Google+ so if I do decide to upload (some of) them, I think I read that they upgraded Picasa to include an upload to G+ feature, so it shouldn't be too complicated to

Not to get OT, but... Do you speak Russian (or was that from Babel/Google Translate)? I've been thinking of maybe trying to pick it up as a third language (after English & German). The whole totally different alphabet thing looks interesting. How/where did you pick it up? Was it difficult? I've heard English

Anyone know if it would be possible to stream a local video file (avi/mkv/etc) instead of streaming a youtube video? I recently helped with a summer community theater program for kids. We filmed the production. I'd like to show an out-of-state friend, & don't really feel like uploading it to Youtube first...

Yeah, I'm sure there are some usage for it... I was just saying that I don't really see it replacing texting the way texting has replaced regular calls, especially personally... Unless there's a special case... Like if I were in the military stationed over seas, I could see video calling being useful to talk to my

You could have an app set on your phone to monitor the @seattlepd tweet feed. If there is any mention of the street your working on, etc the phone could start to vibrate... You wouldn't have to keep watching the feed yourself... Or maybe you have an accomplice who is watching the feed while sitting in the get away

Does iPhoto work on Windows? The site I was looking at didn't seem to mention Windows? Any idea for a PC/Linux friendly program?

I don't really see too much problem here... First off, I really don't think video calling is all that useful. I don't have a capable phone (but a front facing camera is on my would like list when I upgrade). But I tend to mostly send texts/emails/IMs/etc rather than actually calling someone... Its a lot quicker,

So now the underage kids know a neighbor called the police on them.... They've got enough time to kick everyone out of the house, hid the beer & pretend like nothing is happening.... Or the bugler knows a neighbor spotted him in the house & he needs to stop filling pillow cases with jewelry & get the heck out of the

I've had my Droid X (Verizon) since Oct 19th 2010 (or somewhere around then). I generally use about 250-300MB/month. I averaged about that using my iPhone 3G on AT&T that switched from & had for about 2 years prior. The most I've used was a couple months ago (Feb or March) when I hit (or got very close to) the 2GB

Don't know if its different in Verizon's phones, but on my old AT&T iPhone 3G, I could go into settings & find the data use (similar to the article's pic)... I'm sure there are also apps that'll help keep track & warn you if your approaching your cap

Sorry if I didn't make myself clear. Being out is only an issue in that when I want access to iPlayer the most (to watch Doctor Who) I'm not able to directly access my computer, but am stuck having to rely on my phone, hence the interest in the BBC iPlayer app & getting some kind of Tor program working on the phone

HAHA, fancy it being called BBC iPlayer (though I was thinking more the actual file name)... That actually looks like the app I had on my phone, though now it says its not compatible with it. Must have just been a fluke I caught it in the US Market when I did... I'll mess around on google, see

first off, to nitpick.... I didn't say Android was more secure, I said it was easier to secure. And no, I'm not kidding.

I was going to post a similar statement... The dog isn't glowing in the dark... S/He glows in UV light... Key word, LIGHT... It can't be dark if there's light...

Could a doctor get the 44,000 if s/he uses an Android tablet instead? IMHO, Android is easier to secure than iOS devices... And shouldn't this be aimed at the hospital, not individual Doctors? If I, as a doctor, visit a patient in the hospital, hand the nurse my ipad & say "here get me this patient's records" the

My uncle was driving my aunt somewhere like 15-20 years ago. According to her, he said he wasn't feeling well & pulled off the road.... As soon as the car came to a stop... he was gone...

I found an iPlayer app in the US market like Oct/Nov-ish (2010) when I first got a Droid... Of course it was geo-locked to jist UK IPs so it wasn't too helpful to my US device... I'm also not sure if it was the official app, or just someone messing around...

Thanks for the reply Chispea....

Yeah, it must be a Blur thing, cause my Droid X has it as well after upgrading to Gingerbread.... Whattcha know... Finally a reason to keep Blur :D

I'm not afraid to upload the pictures... I just think it'd be easier to do it locally that's all... And I don't see why something like that would be impossible... Maybe impossible to do for free, but not flat out impossible as you seem to claim. I have a large collection of photos - around 7GBs last I checked (I'm