
@Warboss: When I first watched, I assumed those were just part of the Battleship's armaments hitting the side of the alien ship & doing no damage (hitting & sticking to either impenetrable metal hull, or a forcefield of some kind)... Which prompted the Capitan to tell the officer "All weapons" when asked "Which

This is something I probably should know, but... Who exactly, then, elects the electoral college? I always assumed each state got so many votes in the EC based on its size (or whatever the criteria is).... and if the majority of the people of that state voted for candidate X that candidate got the EC votes... So

Please tell me this was all recycled newspaper... and that it wasn't printed just for this display... Or that the display will be used for awhile (&/or recycled after).... Otherwise, what a waste of dead trees...

1.) What changed? Basically all I saw was a couple of girls waiting for the bus, chatting.... and an old lady sitting down next to them joining in the conversation for awhile... That's how the bus stops worked back at school (no public transport here). You sit on the bench & chat with other people (or mess around

I don't know about schools that currently have ipad bans... I do recall a couple major university (Harvard, Yale, Stanford type level - probably one(s) of them actually) had a temporary limited ban on them.... You could use them all you wanted on campus, you just couldn't connect them to their wifi network because

Out of curiosity... Does anyone know of a good (preferably free) program I could use to scan my pictures & 'tag' them with whose in them, without having to upload them to some website...

Did I miss something? Did the alien ship make some kind of threat? Or did the Navy ship just like shooting its guns at something it doesn't recognize?

Could you direct that study to my town? Would LOVE to get some decent speeds... Maybe get Google to bring its gigabyte fiber here as its 2nd city... That'd be awesome!

The article mentioned it'd be useful for people on a family share account... Does it have the ability to talk to your provider's server to know how many minutes other people on the plan have used? And if so, how often does it check?

YES! I'm an out-layer. I use Netflix mostly on my computer (streaming & disc - course I consider my computer my TV (saved space in my dorm room having it pull double duty) so...) and I mostly use Netflix for TV shows (and the occasional foreign or B rate flick). I usually get the mainstream movies from

Alright, my help question is a little off topic, but I'm sure I can make it work....

I've been using the 2007 version (& haven't upgraded to '10 yet), and I'm doing this off the top of my head, so my post may not be 100% accurate, but it should be fairly close...

Most of the comments remind me of a recent conversation I had with my cousin...

I keep a paper map in my jeep, just in case... But there's a few problems...

Not too sure about the whole another OS concept... But...

How exactly are we defining "unlimited" storage and "unlimited" downloads, etc...

I realize I'm a little late joining this party, but I have a question maybe someone here can answer...

I actually have a handful of names I use, depending on the site and how easy I want my membership/postings traced back to me.

I've never used Grooveshark, so I can't speak to/against it, but...

Note the title of the pamphlet... "Need MORE help..." It looks, IMHO, like this is a troubleshooting pamphlet given to customers who may not be able to get their device to connect via standard means.