
I really don't think it'd be all that hard/time consuming to pay someone back right then & there... It doesn't really take that long to launch an app and log in. Entering your friend's email shouldn't be too hard. They're sitting right next to you, if you don't know it by heart, just ask. No need to hunt them up

Yep, been there, got that email :) I can do you one better....

Last week or so there was an article (most likely here but I won't say for certain) for making a cheap DIY A/C. Basically the same idea as this, except an extra hole was cut into the side of the cooler to allow the ice cool'ed air to get blown onto its target.

Great! Thanks a lot Gizmo... Now my secret is out... How am I going to be able to charge neighbors $50 to reformat to get rid of viruses when they know they can just look it up themselves...

That's what I was thinking... All they'd have to do is snatch your phone, pull up your Facebook/G+ page grab a nice face shot & point the phone at the screen...

Like you, I wouldn't exactly classify myself as an expert in computer security (but I know enough to get into trouble)... But I would think one problem behind this would be similar to IP blocking for the torrent users.

Or excessively foggy areas... I'd assume it would use the cameras some newer cars have to alert you if you're drifting out of your lane... They could use IR or whatever to sense the painted lines in the center & along the shoulder... Maybe paired with a locally cached GPS map in case there are no lines on the road

I'd think something like this could be of more use to the driver on the front windshield than for a little kid doodling in the back....

yeah I was going to suggest that... They usually allow you to plug more than just 2 items in, and they'll offer some protection for your devices... Though may not be as portable as the above cord (I'm assuming it can just be balled up/shoved into a random corner of your suitcase easier than a surge protector)

you might be able to get on a wifi network... I know they weren't as popular in Europe, but my British friend suggested they're becoming more standard....

I heard else where that G+ will only work on devices that have GPS abilities... Maybe that's what the issue is...

Here are a few I've heard... I don't know if there's any 'scientific' evidence to support these, or if its just old wives tales, but...

Most items (as timgray points out) have bar codes... It wouldn't be that hard to embed an RFID chip in the bar code... Then the bulk of the buggy/cart is can be scanned just by pushing the cart through the lane. Sure you'd still have to get the random bananas out or whatever doesn't come with a barcode, but usually

I think, as long as the address is outside of the DHCP's range (which is usually either 50 or 100 addresses I believe usually starting somewhere around you shouldn't have a problem with just setting your computer to use a static IP. Thats all I did. Its in the advanced settings somewhere (don't recall

2 kind of OT questions

I was thinking the same...

Or a kiosk, you walk into their store, plug your USB drive in, "You can download 8GB, please select which programs you want".... Then you swipe your card, pay for it, and the kiosk copies the install packages to your USB

"TSA will phase in the software [...] in "the coming months." "

I always love when the Your C Drive is infected "My Computer" looking screen pops up... while I'm on my old iPhone or my current Droid phone or on a Linux box... They really should design a User Agent check and re-direct to a suitable image instead of just the default Windows looking image :)

"will you have a compatible "reader" in 10 years?"