
Lol... I was checking to see if anyone brought it up yet, to see if we could change voices for Android phones.... Would be awesome if we could.

"[...] 200 milliseconds after their blindfolded counterparts [...]"

pretty neat, I like it... Though I keep my keys on a lanyard looped around a belt loop.

guilty :) School ID belongs in the left pocket, cell phone in the cargo pocket below... Keys & wallet on the right side... Though I don't really consider it a 'dance' per say, more of a quick swipe (swinging my arms as I walk out the room) to verify the required bumps are there.

I've seen this before, a long time ago... Maybe it was just a concept article then...

Considering the hangout feature's central draw is video chat... Wouldn't it be easier to set up some verification account & have the celeb "hang out" with some 'lucky' Google employee? The employee could ask them to move & say random things to verify its a live transmission and I'm sure Google has enough images &

First off, the moon isn't a vacuum... It has *some* atmosphere... Not enough to keep us alive, but there is some...

A few questions...

I'm sure getting a fake ID to buy alcohol & beer if your still underage isn't that challenging.... But to get yourself fully in the system - go to the DMV & get an official license, etc... I'd assume after 9/11 & all that jazz there's some checks somewhere that'd catch your face on two different "people"'s

Just make sure you use a different password on here (if it happens & you join) than you use on any other site.... Numerous studies have pointed out that people often use the same username/password for the bulk (if not all) of the sites they join.... No offence to Anonymous, but they don't really have the best track

I don't know I'd go that extreme... Granted, no camera phone (least none out today/in the foreseeable future) will rival a decent actual camera... For the average person, taking the average photo, I really don't think they're all that bad...

While I have no qualms with saving money (especially as a college student)... I'm too much of a geek to want to rent my text books... I actually still have all of them, and refer to a few of my programming books on occasion for syntax assistance... Or my German text books to refresh my memory on vocab/grammar... I

Yeah, that does sound a bit better (well, you know what I mean)... my bad :)

"she found evidence of "coliform [...]"

haha, yeah... I saw that & thought "Gee, they must have recently upgraded it & completely re-worked the UI" cause thats no where close to what I've got on my phone :)

I was wondering that myself... Of course, I also just got done reading an article on Life Hacker about keeping track of your bandwidth so you don't go over caps... So adding in an extra stream is kind of counter-thinking at the moment :)

The big question is... If a chip could talk to both networks, would you actually use it to do so? Knowing AT&T's penny pinching billing strategy, they'll charge Verizon customers a lot for the privilege of using their networks... Same rational will be applied to AT&T customers... Want to access Verizon's network,

It could be set up so only the LTE streams cross, not the 3G & lower... For example, if my Verizon phone can't access Verizon's LTE network, it could check for AT&T's... If it doesn't find that either, it drops back to Verizon's 3G (or 1X) and totally ignores AT&T's 3G (or Edge) network.

Its probably the same reason there were like 4 female Computer Science majors when I got my degree (and 2 or 3 of them graduated with me)... My first Computer Science class, the prof started out with "Welcome to the male only section of Computer Science 101"...

That's how the Euro version works, so I'd assume that's how the US works as well...