
Its in the US store now to - or at least it is for Android, should be for iOS (If not now, very soon)... And you have to have a premium account to use it (if you didn't know)

Robin... I'm not sure I exactly follow what your asking... Are you asking about play lists? If so, check the lower left corner of your app... There should be a Play List button (next to search) that'll let you find & play a playlist... If there's nothing there, go back to your desktop & click on Devices, up in the

First off, the cached tracks are stored in a propriety format that only Spotify can read. And, unless its changed since I started using the Euro version a year or so ago, its also DRM'ed and requires you to log into Spotify online at least once every 30 days to verify you're still a paid subscriber (offline is paid

FYI, my understanding (and I'd love to be shown wrong here) navigation will NOT work on cached maps (on Android)... So no GPS assistance with the maps. Basically it becomes the paper map I still have in my jeep's glove box, just in case (except of course a lot easier to 'fold' back up when your done)... Your also

The free version is for 10hr/month, you can play each track up to 5 times in a month... For unlimited play & no count its $5/month... If you want everything the Ultimate $5/month had + better quality music + use Spotify on your phone + not geolocked to a Spotify-friendly country, its $10/month...

"Prediction: Spotify in the US is the next Color. Anyone remember Color? Me neither." Um... If you don't remember it... How are you making comparisons... Just sayin :p

I'm in the same boat (London, W11 2BQ, you?)... I'm assuming we may have to log into our accounts & update our country location - at least to pay for service anyway... But other wise, I don't see why we wouldn't other wise be able to just log right in... I know in Europe each country had their own libraries (ie

Local files don't count against the play time (and I'm assuming they'll also not have the 5-plays/month limit I've heard about either). For those of us who've previously collected larger musical libraries probably won't be hurt too bad by these limits.

I haven't tried Pandora One, so I'm just comparing the basic free service to Spotify, but... (*Note I'm also talking about the Europe version, I'd imagine/assume the American version will be the same (at least software wise))

Well, first off, I don't think the monkey who took the picture is even in consideration, legally. We're usually fairly specie-istic with our laws, so I doubt a non-human could actually hold copyright on anything. Possibly the zoo/preserve/etc that is acting as the monkey's guardian, but...

Not with their new spam filters...

I'm assuming the movie tab will be crippled for those of us with rooted devices as it is for tablet users... Any word on if we'll be able to download books with rooted devices?

Yeah, I usually use the web based market as well (thanks to links from here & similar sites) - even if the phone is sitting on the desk just like my mouse. Its a lot easier than having to punch in my passcode, launch the market, wait for it to load, typing in the name of the app to search for it...

Set up a Google Voice # for her...

I didn't read the linked article, so excuse me if they're mentioned in it... But, along with texting you if the alarm goes off, I'd like to see A.) being able to silence the alarm by replying to the text. Then I wouldn't have to get up on a chair to reset it each time I burn my toast. And B.) I'd also like to see if

They're just making a backup copy... in case something happens to the original.... Kinda like what I do with Netflix disks... lol, jk :)

I'll admit I'm a proud child of the 80s... That being said.... when I saw the main article picture (the sea monkey one).... Does anyone else remember a probably totally stupid Saturday morning show about sea monkeys (they were of course the more human looking kind as seen on the advert)... I think it was simply

"streaming copyrighted media valued over $2,500 more than 10 times in half a year would cost the culprit five years in prison"

Do vets actually give prescriptions though? I know the one I use.... if my cat needs meds she'll say "I want you to give her ___ # times a day" walks out of the room, and a few moments later comes back with the meds ready to go...

In my home town, usually the 4 or so self-checkout lines at walmart are either completely empty or only 1 person is using them. All the while the lines at the regular checkouts are fill plus over flowing down into the walk way/isle...