
A rumor going around was that they were going to re-do their data plans similar to they do minutes if your on a family plan. You'd pick the tire of minutes and data you'd want (ex 700min & 2GB of data)... Then everyone in your Family plan will draw from those.

@Computermix - unfortunately I used my invite in exchange for the G+ invite already... Check out & put your email in for one... If I get another invite before you do I'll be sure to send it your way. You won't be able to use my invite until the service launches in the US officially anyway... I have

When I was in college, our ID cards had a small gold chip embedded in them that held cash for us to use on vending machines, printers, washing machines, etc around campus. Often, due to the wear of keeping them in your pocket or whatever, the contacts on the chip would become corroded and not read properly - often

Or, Google has a lab in its Calendar program that'll do this over text messages. Once you enable it, all you need to do is enter your phone number, you'll get a text with a code, enter that code to verify and then your set. All you need to do is send the details to a number Google will provide you, and a second or

kind of a neat design, but... how is this new? Haven't we had timers that you can plug stuff into and have them automatically turn on at specific times? Mostly they're marketed to turn lights on/off while your on vacation to make it look like your still home... But realistically, you could always plug a coffee pot

I was going to post that I wished my local drive in (yes we still have one thats operational) would show something like this - rather than cutting into the movie to announce "THE SNACK BAR WILL BE CLOSING IN 15MIN"... And then I got to ~2min in.... where the popcorn box stepped on the .... marshmallow (?)

So... the best way to settle disagreements is to go out & clobber our opponents...

people on boats? Bet their tweets are "I'm on a boat!"

MrMusic... Thanks for the offer, but I actually got one from someone else shortly after posting this.... Thanks anyway :)

Listening to the radio on the way home from lunch with the family today, I heard an ad that went to the effect of "imagine a place you could build your perfect playlist - with just the right amount of country, hip hop, rap and rock. Now imagine a place where your friends can come and see your perfect play list...

"Now I wonder how quickly I would burn through 5GB on a 4G connection." Not sure what the cap they're referring to... But I do recall hearing some comment along the line of full speed 4G continuous use, you can use your cap up in like 2-4hrs.... BUT... When, in the real world, are you actually going to get the big

Not all of us live in big cities where wifi is almost a given wherever you go... My home town we have wifi at the hospital, at one of the gas stations, and McDonalds. I try to spend as little time at the first two locations as I can, and I try to avoid McDonalds as best I can all together (except in March for

I could see checking out of somewhere "Do you have a membership card with us? you'll save 20% today" "I do, but I don't have the card with me, can you look it up by my number, its 867-5309"... "OK, yes, its in the system.... .... oh, um.... are you Dakota Smith, Jamal Fredrick, Jennifer Nobel, Amy Doppelganger,

Your own area code would probably work... It'll be easy to remember, rather than having to try to remember if you used NYC's area code, or Philly or Miami or ...

Don't know about a warning before you close... But, under settings, you can set Chrome to re-open any tabs that were open when you closed... Its annoying when you just want to quickly close everything & start over.... But if you're like me & have dozens of tabs open, and hit the close button... All you'll need to

yeah, my mom always nukes lemons before juicing them for lemonade... Will have to tell her to roll them as well...

I'll gladly exchange a Spotify invite for a G+ invite... Please :)

Right. thats actually one reason why they can provide the same amount of light, but use a fraction of the energy. A "traditional" light bulb uses most of its energy producing heat. LEDs generate light differently & more efficiently, reducing the amount of energy wasted in the form of heat.And thus a light that'd

Even if you use up-to-date lists, etc there is no guarantee that you'll actually be 100% safe. While your list providers may have the official corporate IPs for the MPAA & their friends.... There's nothing stopping one of them from hopping onto Tor, or using a random Proxy or whatever to obtain a new random IP that

I tried to do just that last night... However, when I'd log in through a UK proxy, or through my US IP address (to the page) I was able to log into my account via both methods, go to edit my profile... BUT I was only able to select United Kingdom from the dropdown... Even after taking out my UK