
I use to be a Pandora user (though never got around to upgrading to One).... I've been using Spotify since last summer & I really like it. I like the fact I can chose which songs I want to listen to, in the order I want to listen to them.

How big is a "map area"? Depending on how much traveling your doing, you might be able to download the area you'll be in that day, then at night, connect to the hotel's wifi & download maps for tomorrow's destination...

When I got my Google Voice invite, I entered my home town & was going through all the available numbers... Didn't see any that really jumped out at me... Then I thought "Why do I have to use a number from my home town?" So I backed up a couple screens, changed my local (to San Diego - would love to live in year

So I'd have to buy penny candy in groups of 5 (or 10 or 25 or ... assuming if you're plunking the penny, you may want to also nix the nickel, and maybe deep-6 the dime)... And yes, there is still at least 1 place in my home town (or at least last time I stopped there it was still there) that sells penny candy

Oh well... Still cool to meet another geek greek... Founding Father & a former alumni adviser for my Kappa Sigma chapter...

To expand your "it could save money if we exclude it from the drug war" idea... Not only would it make police work more effective (they could focus on "more important" things (robberies, etc) than two pot heads wasting a Saturday on the couch). Our judicial system is already over taxed. Yesterday I just saw a CNN

In a non-scientific/anecdotal way, I might argue that at either the order of magnitude or greater that the artificial sweetener chemical reaction, the "diet excuse" might play a part...

Which Fraternity? AEKDB wouldn't happen to mean anything to you would it?

I think I deleted my reply so I'm posting again (excuse me if its a repeat)...

That does include currently having a 3G only phone & switching to a 4G when it finally gets to your area a few years down the road, right.... It'll still be unlimited 4G.... That's what I've been seeing, just want to get another confirmation to verify...

Matthew, please tell me you're not a math major.... Cause you're numbers are WAY off...

My only concern there (and it kind of ties to MrCheatachu's point.... It says we'll be able to upgrade to another smart phone.... singular.... I know AT&T said as long as my account was active I'd keep unlimited data (implying I could switch phones as often as I wanted).... But with what was said here.... It

Depending on where you get it & how long of a return period they provide (I think I heard one online store gives you a 90-day window)... You could upgrade to a smartphone now, then exchange it for the Bionic when it comes out.... I just saw last night it has a semi-official leak date of Aug 14...

The research I've done seems to indicate that as long as you have a unlimited $30/month data plan, you'll be able to switch up to 4G and maintain your grandfathered unlimited plan... I think they already have us on their 4G network, all we have to do is activate a phone that has a 4G radio on our line & we're good

I tried to follow the Silverlight link, but it just took me to a 404/can't find the project type page... This link should get you to where you can download it. []

I had been thinking of doing something like this, but with a couple modifications....

You'll need to make sure your phone is set to enable the install of non-market/third party apps... You'll find that under your phone's settings...

Another way it could end up costing you is if its perishable and you don't make it through before the item goes off.

As long as you've an unlimited plan with Verizon by the 7th, you'll be grandfathered in and be able to keep it after their switch to tiered data plans. And my understanding is you're basically already on their 4G network, even if your phone doesn't have a 4G radio - so as soon as you associate a 4G phone to your line

"like the ability to j/k through status updates..."