
To moot one of your points, if it is a Nexus phone, it'll be vanilla Android (lol, a vanilla ice cream sammich) so updates should get pushed to it as soon as Google releases them. So there won't be any wait (if there is it'll just be days/weeks, not half a year) from when Google announces a new update to when its

"Because only Apple has the crypto keys to properly sign the per-restore APTicket, replayed APTickets are useless"

Two issues with Peer Block (& similar programs) - especially if its your sole countermeasure.... 1.) if the IP address isn't in your blacklist(s) it won't stop the connection. You might have lulzsec's IPs blocked, for example, which is all fine & dandy... But what if they zombify some random granny's computer who

random questions...

Obviously I have the wrong kind of credit card... usually when I use my plastic at places, they take money out of my account.... I really like the idea of them putting money into it more :D

Plus I'm assuming with the amount of carding that's done in state stores/bars/etc this procedure would probably be too expensive... And would probably take too long... I'm all for getting cool new tech into play, but I think the 4 seconds it takes for the door man to check the birthdate on your license and a couple

The residence hall I did my Graduate Residence Director work in, before it got torn down, had a fall out shelter. Actually I would have been relativity safe. I basically lived right on top of it, I'd just have to make a quick turn out of my hallway door, down a flight of stairs & down the ramp to the shelter. If I

I really want the answer to that question as well... Too bad we have 2 contradictory responses from different reps... Sad part is both make sense.... I could see since they're different networks, Verizon would need to activate you on each, which may cause issue... But... since they do consider it one & the same

"All roads lead to Apple"

I haven't played with it yet, so.... Does the new setting allow you to predefine settings based on state? For example, if my device is on wifi, naturally, I'm going to go with "Best". But if I'm in 3G I'd want it to automatically default to Good or Better.

I actually saw a concept write up a year or two ago for an Android powered land line & I have been kind of liking the idea - especially now that I've actually got an Android mobile phone and got a chance to see how great the OS is....

"But do remember Canonical isn't like Microsoft and forcing you to upgrade. 10.10 is still good and will be till the "Windows 7" of Ubuntu comes out! :) "

What could be neat would be a Shazam like app that we could tag (audio and/or video) a movie preview and have it add it to Netflix for us (and if it isn't in the list yet, maybe save it & check back next week/month/etc).... Of course the only problem is by the time I think "hey this looks like a good movie", get my

As long as they're major pictures (maybe not so much with independent type movies) there really shouldn't be a problem adding a movie to your queue before it hits theaters... I think I've had the new Transformers movie in my queue since at least the start of the year... Whenever I catch a preview for a movie that

Kind of OT (maybe On Tangent instead of Off Topic?)... Is there any programs that'll monitor the apps & allow me to possibly spoof some of the data it collects/transmits... So I could set it up, for example, so the Browser is able to know where I am (so I can use the neat "Places near me" feature), but like if Angry

in regards to the con listed for Spotify - not being able to stream your own files.... Its true, you can't stream them... However, I believe I read that if your mobile device is in (the same?) wifi when you sync your playlists, etc over, if any contain local files, those songs will sync over to your device

I've only played like a fourth of a song, just testing it out, thus far... so I haven't really tested it yet (still in the whole uploading phase - 3,415 of 6,403 uploaded.... then it looks like I have a few tags to fix (Jay Z and Jay-Z and JayZ should all be the same artist)...

You put peanut butter on the top of the jar... the mouse comes in, knocks the nickle over & its trapped.... Until the mouse starts trying to climb the side of the jar to get to the peanut butter on top The excess force applied to the side knocks the jar onto its side.... The mouse then runs up, eats the peanut