
I could be wrong (probably am), but from what I've read about it... My understanding is that programs (sorry, "apps" - got to keep up with the new buzz words) that have been designed specifically for Win8 *should* be able to jump from phone to desktop to tablet without much problem... I'd imagine they'd do it

I agree....

One thing you may wish to consider is keeping your old phone...

I made a post on another thread where someone was asking about torrenting on his iphone.... One of my notes, apparently, has been addressed, the use of your data cap, by having this set to wifi only...

This commercial airs until next WWDC, when Jobs unveils the new, magical, iCancer...

During one episode of Sea Quest DSV, Capitan Bridger was driving his motorcycle and got busted for speeding by a device similar to this. After registering he was speeding, it scanned his plate to figure out who to ticket.

I'd say you answered your own question — get dirty.

I would assume they're just doing this as a test, to ensure it works as described and makes a noticeable difference.

I was actually going to post basically what @jdale said myself... On Slashdot a few years back there was a story about how some group somewhere (sorry I don't recall specifics off hand) figured out a way to reproduce a functional key from any photo of a key as long as it was within like 12 feet (forget the actual

With the number of articles out like this - with people using hidden programs to take pictures of thieves, or use GPS to track them.... WHY are the thieves putting their stolen devices online?

I seem to recall an article (maybe on slash dot?) last year or so similar to this... They talked about the cable box having an IR sensor that could detect who was in the room watching TV, and could tell the difference between kids & adults & the dog, etc... I recall a lot of the comments focused on Neilsen type

Does anyone actually use their phones to talk for 30min a day? Haven't we evolved to using text messages for the majority of the time???

I/O attendees & Xoom owners got first dibs.... If your co-workers don't meet either criteria that means the general populace is getting invites (YEA!) I signed up the first day & am still waiting... Hopefully soon... Either that or I'll just go buy a Xoom, register it, then send it back.... Though I'm afraid if I

I could be wrong, but... From my understanding of the offline feature, the phone does it automatically based on the area(s) you spend the bulk of your time at. I haven't heard of any size limits (geographic or cache), or how many locations will be stored so I don't know how useful it could be, especially if you

So Iran kills the internet connection to their country in favor of their own government controlled intranet. Whats to stop someone from using a dial up account to get access through another country (like I believe it was France had set up to help Egyptians once their connection was taken down)?

@kimchi43 yeah, I have the app that XDA released that removed the check for authenticated devices... I must have mixed this article up with another, because I could have sworn I read that it said Netflix removed it themselves (which granted, doesn't make much sense for them to do, but) from their own official

Yeah... I just got a little excited and when others said they got it to work on their Nook (which wasn't listed either)... And since it wasn't checking for supported devices anymore... Figured it was worth a shot :)

I could be wrong myself... But don't you have to have a rooted phone first, before you can flash a rom onto it?

Keep your friends close... your enemies closer...

Its not showing up in the market on my Droid X & when I go to the Market link in the article, it won't let me install on the DX either... I guess if its just that it removed the unsupported device playback, I can stick with the version that was released last week that already did that...