
I don't know about the mobile version (I'd assume they compress it some), but I read recently that the average Netflix account uses ~40GB/month for streaming...

"Your trash can is pretty full... Why don't I take it down to the dumpster for you while I go get coffee... you know at that place next to the We-Sell-Your-Stuff-On-eBay store... Want anything while I'm out, my treat, I should be getting into some money soon..."

We had a tech out to the house for something... While he was there I mentioned we were getting rather slow speeds. He said it seemed fine to him, so I said I'd show him, & loaded up a speed test... "Oh those are never accurate, you shouldn't listen to them" he told me...

I could see maybe being more useful on an iOS device, but Google seems to keep its own Maps app updated fairly well on Android. Is there any advantage of using over the Maps & Navigation apps?

Thats what I was wondering myself... Thats ~6-10 times the speed I average with TWC (~3-5Mbs).

I could see the headlines now... "Child pornographer hacks into Microsoft's child porn database. Claims he was just attempting to add a few more pictures to the collection..."

As you flip from page to page on your phone, the background slides over with you. When the phone's lock screen engages, the background, I recently noticed, is of which ever screen that was displayed last.

His technique to cure blindness involves using light.... hmmm.... irony?

haha, you're making me feel old... Back when I was in HS, the web didn't really exist... We still had to turn to radio and/or TV announcements to find out if school had been canceled/delayed due to snow.

So the device generates 800 microwatts of energy.... The pacemaker needs only 10... What happens to the other 790 microwatts that are not used by the pacemaker?? Its not a lot of energy (ie we couldn't use ourselves as a 'portable' recharging station for our phones), but its gotta go somewhere...

Library Computer Access and Retrieval System v 1.0 ??

I'm pretty sure this is kind of universal - at least in the US... Didn't a law get passed (it was at least proposed anyway) that would require any company that encrypts user's data to keep a backdoor master key that could decrypt any file they encrypted... That way, if the FBI or whoever serves Dropbox with a

Is this the same Netflix apk that was out a few months ago? I tried it on my DX & it worked, up to the streaming bit. It'd open the screen to stream, then IIRC, it dropped back to the queue manager screen or something... Don't think it crashed the app...

haha.... not going to lie... Opened this article & watched the video thinking the title was... "Brad Pitt Turned into Levitating Rainbow Column"... Thought it was going to be some kind of transporter/vaporization effect... I was wondering where he was going to come in all through the video, until after it finished

Just to clarify... Are you telling us not to buy a DX2 or an Atrix? If its the X2 what are some of the main reasons you don't like it? I've got an X and I haven't found anything that really puts me off of it, and it looks like the X2 will be similar... Granted I wouldn't mind an unlocked bootloader so I could

I wonder if there is anyway one might be able to make it look like we have an Xoom associated with our account... It could encourage Google to send an invite faster...

This might be a stupid question, but... Its 2011.... The only cord that we really haven't cut is the power cord...

Two things....

Forget where I read it, but I read somewhere that Google was going to favor Xoom owners for invites (which is presumably why JustCallMeCloud got one). I think there was another group that was to get priority, but I don't recall who (though I could have made that up).... I believe they're trying to market it as a

All of the free cr-48s (I think thats the correct name) have been given away... Google confirmed it a month or two ago... So unless you know someone who has one & can convince them they really don't like it and should give it to you.... However, this summer (or so I hear), Google will be renting them for like