
I do happen to have the chrome browser installed (and am using it to type this actually) But I'm not forced to restrict myself to just the browser here... I did download a copy of the OS, but when I tried it, it didn't play nice with my virtual box... haven't gotten around to try to tinker with it & see whats

As a Computer Science major alum, I agree that we probably wouldn't get much use out of a Chrome laptop as our primary computer... Though like you, I'd love to try it out "just because I can and curiosity"...

Yeah.... I ran across that shortly after posting here (guess I'll have to check Giz first before LH)...

How does the reverse side of the glass look? If I can put tape on the window to look in... Would the person on the inside be able to look out? Or would it remain frosted to him? Or don't both sides get frosted???

It works to get an invite... But you'll likely be stuck having to hide behind a proxy to listen to the music.... As a Spotify user in the states.... I can tell you there you'll have to find a new proxy frequently - they either get too many people on them, or they just shut down or whatever causes them to become

I forget where I read it last night, but it looks like Xoom owners (and I think someone else) gets first dibs on invites... Then it'll go to the general public a little later... Not sure how long that'll translate to if you don't own a Xoom (like me).... But we'll see...

Unless I'm uploading an album before its release date (as often happens with pirated music) how would Google know its pirated, and not ripped from a CD or bought online from a smaller store (the band's website, etc)? Google wouldn't be able to handle DRM'ed music I'd assume (wouldn't be able to play it), besides

Though, how would Google know if I pirated the Bieber album or if I bought it at Walmart & ripped it to my hard drive... They could check for DRM, but A.) iTunes doesn't use DRM any more and they are the big cat in the MP3 world... and B.) I wouldn't think Google wouldn't be able to play MP3s with someone else's DRM

You may get the enhanced caller ID.... I never really understood why phone companies couldn't push the name of the person calling along with the number for mobile phones... That way I at least have some clue who may be calling if the name isn't in my phone book - they do it for landlines....

Are there going to be special spots for electric cars? Or is it just going to be set up more gas station like with a central charging station (like in the picture).... I could see it going over well if each spot had its own plug and I just plugged the car in when I parked and let it charge while I was at work/at the

Agreed! It'd be awesome if they could have a program that'd scan your computer for music files, and then upload which tracks you have... Then just authorize your account for those tracks. Then they wouldn't need to host 60,000 copies of Justin Beiber's newest album...

Either that... or its something that no one would ever want/use and doesn't belong on a phone (like copy n paste, multi-slacking, etc).... Until Jobs includes it in an update.... Then it becomes a wonderful magical world changing invention....

"Apple wants to be better than Android in every way."

"Floridian Larry Fischer has six computers A laptop, a desktop, and a server."

When I was your age, we were proud to be called youngins, Pluto was a planet.... and had to walk to school... up hill, both ways, in 30 feet of snow.... NOW GET OFF MY YARD!!!

I bet the lawyers only said that because they work for Apple... "HE HASN'T LEARNED TO READ YET!!!"

To the best of my (non-lawyer) legal knowledge... Buying physical media (music CDs, movie DVDs, etc) work the same. When you go to the store, you buy the actual physical CD/DVD, the round shiny disc, itself not the actual music or movie. Your just getting a license that allows you to access the particular media

"Some like mine will order a recently released CD if you request it."

To augment your list, here's what I'd suggest....

Yeah... I recall, back in the early years of the web when I was still in High School (so pre-2000) Some company offered you so much just to surf the net - after installing their toolbar... A friend of mine told me about it, and a nice lil program that would load a new webpage in your browser every so often for you...