
I've been thinking of starting up my own website, to host a few projects I have in my head now, and it'd be cool to be able to set up a uber-personalized email like

cue Avenue Q's "The Internet is for Porn" song...

Wouldn't the mosquito (if it counts) be patient Zero, since it gave the virus to Senegal...

Wait, you think they're here to provide us with a service? You are aware we exist only to make them money right... Naturally the CEO & et al are going to be taking multi-billion dollar bonuses each quarter above their salary off the top.... Then the 5% income thats left can be used to build/repair their network....

Mice are the most intelligent creature on the planet... Douglas Adams (Hitchhiker's Guide)

For those complaining about price, I don't think its really that bad... Theater tickets are like $7.50 per... Add in cost of fuel to get to the theater, the disproportional costly unhealthy snacks, dinner before/after, etc... As long as you get like 4 people together...

OK, I don't have an iPad (Android fanboy) so I can't test the app myself, so my intel may be off but...

While in your scenario, the judge may be alright to rule on criminal cases, lets add in a little more specific detail... Let's say while a lawyer, she was associated with The Law Firm of Reed, Irwin, Archer and Andrews (or RIAA for short). She's worked for RIAA for awhile, became good friends with the other lawyers,

The article's start, "One computer used to be enough for the entire family [...]" reminded me of the IBM (I think) quote that went something like "We don't see a world demand for more than 7 computers"...

It might be easier for the computer to recognize the quantity of people waiting in the queue using Wifi over camera images...

Anyone know what the syntax for opening multiple pages would be? For example, say I want to make a "button" that I could click that'd cause both my gmail & my school email page to load in their own tabs (rather than having to hit both of their individual bookmarks)? Would the URLs be comma, space, semicolon, etc

You could set up a second entry in their contact, so it'll call up with your GV number... For example have John Doe's mobile number listed as 555-555-5555.... Then put in an Other entry that'll connect using your Google Voice number. Then you can just pull up his entry in your phone book & select either mobile (&

Dear US Government.... PLEASE mirror the German government for telecommunications/LTE deployment.... (and the British/Canadian/French/etc governments for health-care)... k, thanks :D

When I was in High School, back when I had free time... I always kept a book with me. When I'd get to class, I'd sit down & read for a few minutes, until the teacher started the lesson... And during the ~20/30 min bus ride to & from school... And a half hr or so in bed before trying to fall asleep... I'd usually

As I said on Gizmo.... Someone who got this, please try calling AT&T and tell them you're not tethering, just opting to use 3G instead of WiFi when you browse... Nothing says you have to turn on your wifi radio (or if your like me, and live in a rural environment, unless I'm at home I might as well not have wifi

Could even use it to mark the line of the page your on to if you stopped reading before finishing the whole page.... Just fasten it to the side of the book, and have the leg above/below the line you need to start at...

Only problem with using Airplane mode instead of silence is that alerts/alarms that are based on local settings (like time) will still go off... I found that out after putting my new Droid X into airplane mode before my great aunt's funeral, thinking it'd silence it. However, my TV schedule app decided to remind me

Another advantage of setting up a wired network over wireless is security. My desktop detects both my own wireless network and that of my neighbors. If I could get past their encryption, I could easily join their network & do all kinds of bad stuff like pirate music & movies (and conversely, if they break my

mobile phones are capable of making calls to land-line phones... And I'm sure their phone infrastructure will be brought back up in short time... Granted, not as uber-important as taking care of possible radiation exposure, etc....

lol, and I'm thinking the exact opposite... That this is just another reason why it sucks to live middle of no-where rural-ville and not in one of the 31 or so big cities in the US... having to wait YEARS for anything remotely cool & neat like NFC or 4G to make its way here... I mean we were still stuck on dialup