
BST time switch doesn't happen for another 10 days.... but still made me :))

Depending on how it cooks, it could also potentially provide a nice divot in the burger to well your condiment(s) of choice so the burger may not be as messy.... Though I suppose that'd result in the extra flavor being limited to just the center of the burger which may be a downer...

I screen my calls. If a number comes in I don't know, I let the answer machine pick up. If it turns out to be someone I want to talk to, I interrupt the message & talk to them, or call them back (depending on when I want to talk to them). If its a random telemarketer, I just ignore it & walk away. Eventually they

I'd like to know... Is there any way I could do something like this, but instead of having to get another box to connect to my router, could I just use the old 56k modem that's taking up space in my desktop? Leave whatever software I need running in the background so that it'll work just like a landline - just pick

My contract was cut when I switched to Verizon & a Droid X... All I did was put it in airplane mode (so it isn't constantly trying to find a cellular &/or 3G signal) and then re-enabled wifi. It works just like an ipod touch now.

I have a modem in my desktop, I have an old phone I can plug into it, and I have a Google Voice account. What I'd like to do is to use the phone with my GV account and have it work just like if I had plugged it into the copper wire system. Set it up so whatever software I need to make it work launches automatically

First, @TheFu There may be a few differences in their guts, but they're basically the same phone (other than the fact that the D2 has a hardware keyboard while the DX just has a virtual keyboard).

Sweet... Thanks for the heads up on the app.... I'll defiantly download it & check it out.

I'm sorry... But seeing the AFFECT! in caps like that.... when I read it, I'm actually seeing the duck shout "AFLECK" instead... Especially since I just read the article about the duck hunting dog a few tabs back...

"Some retailers (Dairy Queen for one), pass their fee to the customer by adding a 25c charge for using Interac (which I believe is against the Interac rules). "

Just to make sure I'm following.... The new rules won't actually end up costing them anything, its just that they won't make as much as they had been, right....

Is there a website you can check that on? I'd love to see if any came around here...

There are SD cards that have wifi capabilities (which is somewhat better as you can use it on just about any digital camera, not just an expensive model or two). I haven't looked into them too much, but I'd assume the card simply lets you remote access the photos on the card. I've only seen them in smaller sizes

There are other labs that can be useful to (at least for Gmail users anyway).... I forget their names... But one watches who you send emails to, and if the message is to 4 co-workers & cousin Bob instead of co-worker Bob it'll ask if you're sure your sending it to the right Bob... Or one that'll force you to solve

"Does anyone even know how to kill an alligator? "

Dunno... There was a study not that long ago that showed iPhone users got more action than Droid users.... Though, since Droid users are generally geeks (I'm one myself)....

I agree with other commenters that it'd be difficult to tell exactly which part of the various circles were pointing to witch numbers...

From what I've read... GPS & 4G operate on bands that are very close to each other (not sure the numbers off hand)... Because the 4G transmitters are a lot closer to the phone than the GPS transmitters orbiting in space, the 4G signal is stronger & sometimes confuses the GPS receiver. Pretty sure the FCC is looking

Unless the camera was set up with the specific intention of having any random internet user mess with it, I'd say, no, its not legal. At least not in the US anyway.... There is federal law prohibiting unauthorized access to computer networks (too lazy to look up the statue code)....So even if the network is insecure

Lifehacker's report on this said it was an automatic upgrade & nothing needed downloaded (ie I'm assuming the actual routing is done server side & they just plugged traffic details into the algorithm...)