

In re your first paragraph.... I love how the MPAA & RIAA seem to make it sound as if piracy is causing their respective empires to go bankrupt, and that the artists are forced to live on the streets without enough to buy bread for their families... Yet, I read reports that there were more CDs sold in 2010 than any

The Jailbreak/root exception was designed to enable individuals to legally be able to install third party software onto their phones. For example, I could legally install the Google Voice app, back when Apple was denying it in the App Store. Game systems, such as the PS3, are not covered in the exception.

Couple things to point out

Maybe a stupid question, but why does it need an IR camera to watch for the reflection of your token? If it rolls for you, shouldn't it be able to calculate where your token should land? Your first round it rolls a 2 for you, it should just say "Congratulations, here is your Get Out Of Jail Free card".... then the

May I ask, whats the difference between a landline and a mobile line? I'm just curious as to why/how they're able to offer unlimited connections to any mobile number, but are unable/unwilling to do so for landlines as well...

Exactly. I recall everytime I read about the scanners, there was a comment from the TSA stating that no recording devices (phones, cameras, etc) would be allowed in the area the monitors are, that the scanners lacked any kind of recording ability of their own, and that once a person exited the scanner, all images

Were the planes there just to look pretty? I know the military gets involved with Super Bowl security. With so many people in such a small area, and with so much media coverage on it, it poses a great threat for possible terroristic actions. A No-Fly zone is established around the stadium, and have planes in the

There was an article about the military working on a blimp to fly over battle zones loaded with sensors etc to feed intel to the troops on the ground.... So, a network in the sky, aka Sky Net...


A couple summers ago, my dad took my jeep up to the garage and while they were checking something else I had asked them to check the radio as well. Turned out I had a short in it & they had to replace the whole unit. I was so excited, cause it would give me a perfect excuse to get one with a CD player. I stopped

It is (to the best of my knowledge) right now, just available in the HTC Thunderbolt, that's officially launching on Valentines Day... Verizon isn't making a big deal about it, in fact have told their employees not to even mention it, because they're not sure how well it'll work yet. Right now, its just another

To the best of my knowledge, currently the only phone that has the simultaneous voice/data ability is the HTC Thunderbolt, and it hasn't been officially launched yet (though Best Buy is taking pre-orders for the alleged valentines day launch). And from what I've read (here and a few other Droid news sites), Verizon

The article mentioned a group of 8-10 of these would be combined to work as an antenna... What I think might work well would be to place the 8 on the cardinal points on the utility poles that line our streets (on the N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW sides or whatever other configuration would work the best). Run another

The geek in me that likes to find new ways to use the computer & the net to do stuff thinks this is cool.... However, I have one question... Is it needed? The only limitation I'm seeing is that in order to do anything with what you've printed, you actually have to be at the printer to pick up the paper. Wouldn't it

@Stuart Cooper: Of the options, I'd be hacker (& maybe over-user (but aren't they usually one in the same?)... I got the iPhone back before Droid really was an option... But I have since switched, and am never looking back.

@Oliver Webb: And if Spotify doesn't have it in their library, you can import the local file(s) into the application & work with them as if they were part of Spotify.

@fastactingrelief: Or just to try it out... Rather than reformatting your entire hard drive, and spending the hour(s) it takes to install a new OS, you can just plug n' play as it was & see if you really like the OS before getting too serious.

@houstonwkv: I wouldn't get a pro account just for this. Instead of using dropbox to transfer your existing 80+GB library, I'd just plug the external hard drive they're already on into the netbook you're going to use & save a copy off that (or over the network or however you want). Save them into the My Music folder

Before reading this article, I noticed one about a new Kindle lending library.