
ALL of Abrams stuff is a remake or retake on other tropes (with the exception of "Lost" which was bollocked into the ground) . Abrams work is best when it's traced over the hands of other before him. That's not to say he's done good work but it's to say that's when he'd done his best work.

Phineus & Ferb did it first.

Strip out all the Cecile B. DeMille camp and sexy costumes without ramping up your commitments to diversity and historical accuracy, and we're left with a bunch of disgruntled Whole Foods shoppers whining about God. PASS.

Wondering what the response will be when her career does or doesn't tank that she does another porno with whomever?

I don't disagree. But he was more popular in a temporary & more novelty way than wrestling. If that's possible. The sex tape was just career desperation, IMO. Not enough for the bump he was hoping for. No pun intended O:-)

1997 was the last time the Hulkster was relevant.

Part of the benefit of a more traditional men's swimsuit is package packaging. The footy sock here clearly lets everyone know what you're working with toot suite!

The trailer is dull but informative giving me the distinct impression it was made by a Christian or -shudder- Mormon organization. Their Facebook page is woefully undervisited for what looks like a fairly ambitious project/production company. It's all a bit curious.…

I think what YouspecialYes was trying to say is Strong was there first. Jost is the worst. I understood this because Jost is the worst and shouldn't be allowed.

As a male reader I've gone into more than a few comic book stores that could easily been taken as such.

Meh. It seems like he's baiting her (not for nothing) when after she's (sort of) settled down he continues to stand there asking questions. When it is clear she is over it. He should have just walked away.

Overall it had the effect of dummies on the internet getting closer to a wild animal just because it hasn't

It's like when you're drunk and go to sing a favorite song in karioki only to find you really don't know the all of the words.

I think she's trying to do Jon Stewart coming back from a clip & riffing on it (because the working poor are hilarious comedy fodder). Everyone tries to be that kind of spontaneously funny but few succeed.


Does he at least scream "Hadouken!" for his efforts?

We have the same amount of siblings...we have the same kind of arguments..."

The only time ever in my life I found boobs repulsive.

Kush is a brand of weed? Do you think kitty gateway-ed from the Mary Jane to the bath salts & caught a case of the zombies?

This reads like a good David Sedaris article: personal, upsetting and strangely informative. Well done. But the fact that you've never heard of this makes you part of the olds and never again young enough for to do the Bubbling.

The bright side is that you are old enough to have enough sense to never, ever drink your

Hey. Don't laugh. What you don't know is MCCG was found dead later that same night. The cops only clue were the initials on the multiple coffee cups that surrounded his lifeless corpse. The case remains unsolved to this very day.