It bares repeating: Jenny McCarthy is a complete retard.
It bares repeating: Jenny McCarthy is a complete retard.
Here's the story of a deceased lady...
Almost makes me like heavy metal music. It's usually such crap.
Next, Efron stars in the made for television reimagining of the made for video sensation of the late 1990s called "Bumfights" with costar Ian Zwerdling. 1990s being his level of talent.
Isn't that a better description than her real last name? Other than Nancy Completebitchasshole, that is.
Thing is, in another 40 years the second hand & vintage clothing store will run out of fashionable, vintage clothing at a reasonable price and will selling the stuff at a premium. Beyond the price range of the average person much less the poorer person second hand stores were originally oriented around. With the…
Why are they even pretending to be happy? They're Russians!
No more muskrat love? For them or us? Has anyone woken the mayor of Branson with the news?
I...Not to cast aspirations upon mankinds vulnerability to cute cat videos but I've seen cuter kitty videos. I think we all have, amirite?
Whatever qualities you list & find bed worthy translates into dude as "cool" aka all us dudes want OG James Bond Sean Connery to be our best friend.
No no. Long Island is a leper colony like area populated by the less cuddly retarded cousins to zombies. Because of it's general proximity to Manhattan, New Jersey is infinitely more acceptable. It's the population of Long Island with a face lift.
It's very R & B. Testament to the woman's crossover potential. Great sound.
I think Marvel has the film universe covered and is raking it in, rightfully so. DC has done an excellent job in the animation department since the 1990s.
Is that you, Wolverine?
The Howard Stern interview seemed to indicate Jerry Lewis had a movie theater chain and really wanted an Oscar. Sounds like he had an idea this serious film would be a winner and he'd rake in all the dough. So much ego at stake here.
From what I just heard on the Howard Stern interview over at Gawker's version of this, there is a a scene in this film where the Jerry Lewis clown leads kids into the gas chamber. Pretty harsh for any time period
And Taxi Driver. A descent into insanity hard to match by any standard.
Off the subject WTF is up with the "doorway" video framing nowadays? You can't see most of what's going on. Feels like that's some iPhone BS, yeah?
Friends have already posted the news and the video to Facebook.