Only one was saying it, very, very cutely (Grogu. It was baby Grogu).
Only one was saying it, very, very cutely (Grogu. It was baby Grogu).
“Trek is better seen on TV...”
Where a much, much smaller audience expose themselves to a train wreck like ST: Picard.
Madonna success also largely depended on being generally socially accepted on the simple fact that she is a white woman. That is all. The rest she pulled through the door on her little red wagon after loading it up in the discos and gay houses she stole from. Her privilege is as plain as the plastic surgery on her…
I was just coming here to say that third & most of the fourth paragraph
Trump is challenging Biden to a drug test to deflect from the fact that he knows he’d lose in a dick measuring contest.
While we’re at it have Biden challenge Trump to a branches of government & knowledge of the Bible contest. 2 old men standing on stage with a bible in one hand, the bill of rights in the other &…
You just described any episode of Law & Order
Likely the hacker was the under talented & overrated Amanda Palmer herself to drive people to her Patreon page. You’ll know if there is a link
When he smiles like that you can almost see him with hair.
When every fucking country club is a fucking frat house. Shame alone should kill that guy for choosing anyone else’s side. What a freaking horrible person.
Lindelof isn’t techically wrong but Moore has taken most of the risk on the front end. It is Lindelof’s to ruin. Lindelof is, at best, a handtracer of other people’s work.. The knock off toy of the King of Overrated Mr JJ Abrams. For him to imply that his work is even punk rock adjacent makes me wretch.
Lindelof isn’t techically wrong but Moore has taken most of the risk on the front end. It is Lindelof’s to ruin because he is a handtracer of other people’s work at best, like the second cousin to the King of Overrated JJ Abrams.
I’m just here for the burns which are sick & hot but the takes are not. Thank you for them
I mean, unless they play jazz trumpet.
WB/DC are not killing themselves to make another. Sometimes even the money is not a good enough reason to put people through that shite again
Why does knock-off-only-not-funny Melissa McCarthy step back, eyeball the camera then charge in to our hero’s face? You’d think she was trying to set her up for trouble. Although for what reason? I don’t know. But her behavior is suspect beyond the obvious.
The headlines should read “Republicans to create sanctuary cities for rapists.”
How can you continue to marginalize your fellow human beings when all of your hate money is shit away on yourself & family?
But. I’ve seen her cooch...
And it was probably shitty lemonade the servants were forced to buy & swallow with polite smiles. Some genuine, some with obligation. They were still children after all