Now playing

BTW, in case people want more, the Montreal concert was remastered so it looks beautiful- like it was filmed today. The whole show is great, but the Rock You / Champions ending is incredible- great performance by all, guitar solo, drums, everything, but it’s Freddie working the crowd barefoot and powerful vocals in

I think it’s perfectly fine to judge a movie as its own universe- it isn’t a documentary and doesn’t have to be historically accurate. But just FYI since it sounds like you are interested, in real life they were currently (or recently) on tour during Live Aid and had been playing together live at stadiums during that

That performance is so fucking good.

I don’t think that facilitating the deaths of half a million children is the same thing as “doing things we don’t agree with”.

Yup. And you didn’t even mention NAFTA and the drug war, the fallout from both of which we are dealing with now in terms of the current migrant crisis. This is not Clinton’s fault solely- he exacerbated what Reagan did in the same way that Obama exacerbated what Bush did.

The entire Obama family was perfect in their behavior during their time in the White House. I really can’t even think of a personal scandal. I think the worst we got was that Michelle took an expensive vacation and Obama once wore a tan suit. The married couple, the girls, the grandma- all of them were 100% perfect on

Are you attempting irony here? Trolling? Pretending to be dense? If you genuinely wish to have a conversation, I guess you’ll have to clarify what you are asking.

Oh yes, that fave of hard core DSA members, Jimmy Carter. ha ha ha ha ha

What job for whom? Donald Trump is POTUS. Clarence Thomas is a SCOTUS justice. Bill Clinton is chairman of the Clinton Foundation. Through their work at the Foundation, the Clintons influence foreign policy, climate change policy, health care, education, etc all around the world, and while he does not get paid

It’s really weird. For some reason, liberals just refuse to consider Clinton in the same light as other politicians. Set aside all the bullshit conspiracy theories and bigoted hatred, and it is still true that the Clintons are terrible people who have been terrible for the country and for many other countries. But

Let’s not act like he’s irrelevant. As if he has no say in shit when he’s filthy rich and literally he and his wife were the leading figures in the Dem party for years, she was Sec of State and then she was pretty damn relevant just a couple years ago when she lost the fucking White House to a reality TV star white

Yes this. Also we are’t just talking about any workplace power differential. It was politically incredibly stupid and reckless. 

It’s not a crime, and set ethics aside for a moment (since we are talking about politicians after all), but it was politically fucking braindead stupid.

That’s funny. “Perfect being the enemy of good” is how we got Trump? I thought it was because the Democrats insisted on running Clinton’s wife.

Yes, not to mention the current migrant crisis is nearly a direct result from Reagan’s and Clinton’s policies. Oh and the current administration is there because the Dems were stupid enough to run his wife.

Since I don’t know anything about Halifax, I can’t answer that part of your question. In the larger sense of what to be done about it, my own opinion is that we have to move away from the concept of divine knowledge in the first place which is not the same thing as spiritual knowledge or wisdom. I think it’s as simple

I didn’t look around the world and choose a religion to study based upon the proportion of its misogyny. As I said, my family are Vaishnavites. My exposure to Buddhism comes from that culture, and naturally I became curious about its origins and the doctrine behind some of the beliefs. So if you have an interest in

I don’t really know anything about her. I’m not generally interested in zen or Tibetan Buddhism so I know very little about them. They are the most popular Buddhist traditions in the US, but I’ve learned about Buddhism from a Hindu point of view (one side of my family are devotees of Vishnu whose avatars include the

I’m not arguing with you. I’m talking to you. I don’t disagree with you too much I think. And yes I’m saying Levine took advantage of misogyny embedded in the religion to be a predatory piece of shit. If he had chosen a different path in life, he would’ve used the misogyny embedded in that- let’s say he were a

There is latent misogyny within Buddhist texts. And overt misogyny as well. A person who is not a total piece of shit would not take advantage of that in this way, but he’d still be upholding the system that allows total pieces of shit to do so.