
I get that. But this is very different from an immediate response of disappointment or “next time”- it devalues the child that is coming on the basis of gender. Girls often start out in the world as a disappointment, and it never stops. Not surprising that this attitude would coexist with the view that a woman’s body

I can’t tell you the rage I’d feel. Especially if I were carrying that man’s children.  He’s disappointed that he gets daughters? I don’t know what the fuck I’d do in that situation. Talk about feeling trapped.

Marriage is also about looking after the well being of your spouse. This woman is in her 40s. Her last pregnancy was hard on her. She has already spent a decade of her life being pregnant / recovering from childbirth / raising infants. It’s difficult on the body even for a young person.

Funny you mention him. He also said he wanted to have a gazillion kids, one every two years, and then with some sense of shock, he later recounted how actually it seems like you just have a baby and it’s there but really it takes years of the woman’s life- the pregnancy plus the childbirth plus the nursing- and that

If your youngest sibling is six years older than you, why was he/she out of the house when you were seven? Assuming this sibling did not leave the house until after high school, that would put you at 12 at the youngest right?

There’s always something that sucks about family. There is no objective spectrum of sucks to not sucks outside of poverty and abuse (both of which objectively suck). Only, middle, younger, older- there’s something that sucks about all of it.


Ah gotcha. So you’re saying that one of the contributing reasons that some women fall for all natural pseudo science health bullshit is because mainstream medical industry currently ignores/minimizes/disrespects/patronizes women? That sounds true to me- it’s absolutely part of what’s behind the “have a baby in your

OK, I might have missed something in the thread, scrolled back to look, but wth does apple vinegar have to do with anything?

Yeah this is true. It’s also true that loads of women internalize misogyny and support the patriarchy as well. This is true across all class lines, so being a doctor doesn’t make a woman less likely to be this way.

It’s worse than that. The joke is that the husband will see the purple vagina and have a laugh “durr my wife’s privates are purple” or that he will even stick his dick in the purple pussy and come out with a purple dick.

Yes, this. In fact, depending on how old you were and how long you’d been in the post-punk scene, Nirvana was itself basically considered this way. A good band with a handful of really good songs for your mixed tape. I don’t know how they seemed to elementary kids like the author, but I was late high school when

I don’t think this is what the controversy was ever about. This is some new narrative that has been laid across the controversy now. The controversy was about the belief that the vaccine was rushed through production and then the fact (and this is true) that the drug company lobbied to have it added to lists of states’

While that’s nuts, there’s really very little evidence that depression is caused by chemical imbalances also, and the efficacy of SSRIs is also not nearly so good as people think it is. They radically change the lives of a minority of people for the better, and they cause severe negative side effects for a minority of

Seriously. Reading this thread, I’m wondering if I’m like a decade older than all these people. The initial controversy around Gardisal was not about sex. It was about how it was marketed and (supposedly, according to vaccine skeptics) then rushed through trials and caused side effects. 

Gross. Any time church people start talking about fathers and their virgin daughters, it makes me vomit a little in my throat.

Well since this will also affect boys, perhaps they will finally start working on a vaccine for them as well. 

Are there really parents who worry about this though? When people do polling, how you word the question often influences the outcome.

I’d say that if a child of any age says things like that, it is cause for concern. Even if the child does not understand what they are saying and just pretending towards a kind of hate for the pretension, attention or shock value, that is disturbing as we often become the things we pretend to be and continue to

The Republicans are all complete monsters. There are no redeeming qualities of any of them, period end of sentence.

We can only hope that some of the Democrats aren’t COMPLETE monsters but I can only think of three or four that have any redeeming qualities at all.