
Sheesh, I feel like we are speaking past each other. I’m not claiming it’s inherently wrong- there’s loads of evidence that it isn’t, including its prevalence in history and in other cultures. Ditto for something being inherently shameful or perverted or anything like that.

This does not change the fact that people who

Yes those are the ones I found as well. You’ll note that the first one are memories of children talking about being breastfed a few years ago (not adults) and that most of them were not breastfed after 4. Also it’s anecdotal and relies on the mom’s story of the kid’s words, not the adult talking about their memories

Maybe we are using the word differently. Judgement, to me anyway, means looking at a situation in life and forming an opinion about it based on your own knowledge and experience which is really all you can do. I disagree entirely with any sort of live and let live, let’s all see both sides, way of approaching life. I

They might be. There have been no studies of them, so we don’t know. As far as I can tell from googling (I’d be happy to be schooled by someone who knows more), the very first study looking at late breastfed kids in a culture where it is not the norm was conducted recently in Canada, but none of the kids in the study

Look, we all judge others. We all have feelings about how things are. This is normal and it’s bullshit to say people shouldn’t be this way. What’s important is how you treat people and whether or not you are willing to learn and grow.

People who give you shit about nursing a two year old should STFU. Sorry you had to deal with that.

Thanks! That’s what I’ve been wondering! Seems this sort of research could lay this dispute to rest once and for all!

I have a friend who pumped when she was at work. She had a baby who was still nursing and a toddler who’d been weaned for a while. He would ask for the pumped milk too sometimes- kept in the fridge- and of course she let him have it. I don’t think this is gross or creepy or anything. It seems perfectly fine and

Yes but surely you see the difference between that scenario and the one described in the article. My grandmother lived through the depression, dropped out of school for a bit to help her brothers run moonshine to support the family, had amazing adventures as a child doing this work. It was a character building

I’ve read some first hand accounts of encounters with tribes in the US- it was pretty normal to breastfeed very late, 5ish, which makes sense as a supplement to nutrition and also a way for women to control pregnancy.

I’ve seen moms who have the shit show with the toddlers demanding their boobs. This happens. Sounds like it doesn’t in your situation which is good for your family.

I’ve never seen one try to access someone else’s tits either. I have seen toddlers that forcefully try to lift their mom’s shirt, grab their mom’s boob, move mom’s arms around to get to the breast, etc while mom wrestled with them. Two different moms, both with kids in the 2 - early 3 range. It did disturb me a bit,

If there is an actual power difference between the two, then yes, and this does happen at times. For example, David Bowie for ordering up virgins or people like Elvis, Prince, Jerry Lee Lewis, Jimmy Page grooming very young girls for long term relationships. In this case, it’s the ability to take advantage of a

Absolutely agree with your last paragraph. This is what I was trying to say about white people who are racist but don’t think of themselves that way but you said it with much more clarity.

Thank you. I really don’t understand why liberals keep ignoring this. It is a hypocritical look. I don’t think it would happen today. Seriously I wish the fucking Clintons would shut up and go away already. 

In my fantasy life, Hillary shoves Bill off a tall building and as he starts to fall, he reaches out at the last minute to grab her coat tails and pulls her with him. 

The fact that she wasn’t coerced doesn’t mean it wasn’t an abuse of power. It means she wasn’t raped. Hilary wasn’t asked if Bill raped Monica. If she had been asked that, then she would have been correct in saying no. Hilary was asked if Bill abused the power of his office to have an affair with Monica. This is

Ugh. At best, the most powerful man in the world had a consensual extramarital affair in the Oval Office with an extremely young and star-struck immature woman. He suffered no consequences- continued on as president, continued on as party leadership, continued on as a millionaire with speaking deals book deals a

You might have more information than I do- I’ve only seen the two videos (the incident and the apology)- and I’m not misusing the term mentally ill when I mean misanthropic. I mean that she appears mentally ill. That lady that called the cops on the bbqers? Misanthropic and racist. The lady that called the cops on the

I don’t know if you are arguing in good faith or not (I doubt it) but the Kavanaugh claim had loads of supporting evidence other than just witness testimony and assumptions based on believing women, including the book written by Judge (one of the guys present) about how their prep school was full of sexual